Amazon strategy, business and finance homework help
Q1: From what we have seen on theAmazon film clips, its certainly seems Amazon has perfected the mouse tohouse concept. Given what we have seen with drones and Amazons businessstrategy, think ahead 10 years and describe what you see at Amazon,specifically around their business and Operational strategy.Amazons strategy to use drones inthe future to delivery package to customer. It will open the door to a newconcept to delivery service. Today, the idea to have flying object inflightzone and community area cope with a lot of hazard. Such as, it can entering toaircraft flight zone and cause accident, it can be bandit for people and amazonwill lost the package and its drones that it can cause a lot lost in revenue.Q2: Describe how you see the impact ofscientific management on Amazons operations. What impacts/concepts do you feelwere adopted from Frederick Taylor and Adam Smith by Jeff Bezos and have beenincorporated at the heart of Amazons operations? Describe why you feel theseconcepts have been important to their growth.Q3: When Steve Jobs created Applein his garage, what do you believe were the competitive priorities heenvisioned. When you look at Apple today, have those competitive prioritieschanged? Explain & elaborate how reverse engineering was used by Steve Jobsand if its still prevalent at Apple today.Q4: How do the principles of TQM aligned withwhat Steve Jobs was building in the early years? During the time Steve Jobs wasousted from Apple and then returned to lead the company, what operationalfailures occurred to almost lead the company to bankruptcy?
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