Security Strategy, IT Strategy Assignments - 2
Q1. For this assignment, you are creating and submitting a PowerPoint presentation rather than a Word document. Chapters 8 through 13 in the Security Strategy book provide differenttactical concepts that apply to information technology. Again, eventhough these are focused on security, each applies to IT. While youneed to be familiar with all of them, for this assignment you shouldchoose one to explain in your own words. Include an example thatexplains the concept. Justify why the principle is important for ITStrategy or Tactics. Find at least one additional reference for each oneyou choose. Rather than providing a paper, you are to create aPowerPoint presentation explaining the concept. It should contain 10-15slides, including a title slide and a reference slide. You may includepictures, graphs, figures, or charts to help your discussion of thetopic. Your final presentation product should be professional in formatas if you are going to present it to upper management.Textbook :Security-Strategy-From-Requirements-to-Reality.pdfQ2.Reviewthe supplemental reading material linked below. Pick one of theconcepts discussed in the documents and explain it in your own words. Include an example of that concept that explains it in real-worldterms. Provide how it applies in today's cyber-world and how it ties tothe IT Strategic or Tactical plans. Feel free to play devil's advocateand challenge each other. Supplemental Readings:Information Security Key Concepts.pdf"The Protection of Information in Computer Systems", Jerome Saltzer and Michael Schroeder, IEEEDeadlines:Q1: 3 DaysQ2: 12 hours
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