Renewables, homework help
Q1. (85%) Based on the discussion in the last lectures onRenewable Energy Systems, and from your point of view, what would be theoptimum renewable energy system to proceed with in the next two decades?Support your argument by statistical analysis, potential advances for thesystem considering the sustainable criteria of:Environmental impact ( i.e. less emissions to air, water, land; less depletion of resources,etc)Economical Impact (i.e. cost, economy ofresources, viability,etc)Human well-being, acceptance Please remember that for thesystem to be sustainable there is compensation between the 3 previousattributes, so do not hesitate to choose any system you see has potentialapplications, fast wide-spreading, environmentallysound,etc. Support your argument with examples, initiatives, more governmentalsupport than the others. You can choose from Biomass, Wind, Hydrogen, Solar PV,Geothermal, Tidal, Hydro power, or a new promising system you see (must providestrong evidence for brand-new systems). You will have a brief presentation (15slides) on your chosen system (please see class schedule) for 10 minutes.Q2. (15%) You have a client in Norfolk, VA (36.9 o NLatitude). She asked you to design a small scale house with basic appliances(refrigerator, washer, microwave, stereo, fan, and TV) and the lightingfixtures will be energy efficient (fluorescent bulbs, high efficientincandescent, no sodium or halogen lamps). One of the ideas was to power thehouse with a grid-connected PV system since the weather is good and sunny shewill use fans and cross ventilation in cooling the house (no ACs) to minimizeenergy consumption. Make a rough estimate of thePV array area required for the house and the annual energy production givingthe following equations (please refer to resources on D2L, Chap 17: systemsizing, p.163 p.172 for more information, equations and other illustrations:1. Area (PV) [m2] = Power PV [kW] / PV2. Power PPV [kW] = Daily load [kWh/day] / Lowest insolation onPV array [(kW/m2) / day] / wiring loss factor 3. Annual Energy E = wholesystem x K x PPV [kW] x Annual insolation (S) [kWh/m2]Assumptions:1. The system will operateall year long since the weather is good2. PV :efficiency for Polycrystalline silicon module =20% (0.2) 3. whole system : losses in wires and inverter =85% (0.85)4. K : safety factor = 0.95. Tilt angle =30o (i.e. slope of the roof)6. Azimuth angle =0 (true south)7. Shading factor =08. Wiring loss factor =0.99. Daily Load =3 kWh/day10. Safety factor = 0.9(You use the most advanced module available)11. Solar Insolation andenergy is given according to the following table:MonthHorzlArray planeHorizontal InsolationxTilt angle (30), azimuth,shade factor for 36.9oN=Insolation at 30oxDays per monthkWh/m2.monthkWh/m2.daykWh/m2.dayJan2.1x1.5=3.36x31104.16Feb2.9x1.4=4.06x28113.68Mar4.0x1.2=4.8x31148.8Apr5.3x1.0=5.3x30159May6.0x0.9=5.4x31167.4Jun6.3x0.9=5.67x30170.1Jul5.8x0.9=5.22x31161.8Aug5.3x0.9=4.77x31147.8Sep4.4x1.1=4.84x30145.2Oct3.4x1.3=4.42x31137Nov2.6x1.5=3.9x30117Dec2.0x1.5=3.0x3193S: Annual insolation on PV array [kWh/m2]1665
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