Research Article Review assignment
PurposeThepurpose of this assignment is for the student to learn to assimilate, analyze,critique, and summarize an original research article. In other words, select areport of a single, original study.Course OutcomesThrough this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability tomeet the following course outcomes:CO1: Examine the sources ofevidence that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO #7)CO2: Apply research principles tothe interpretation of the content of published research studies. (POs #4 and 8)CO4: Evaluate published nursingresearch for credibility and lab significance related to evidence-basedpractice. (POs #4 and 8)CO5: Recognize the role of researchfindings in evidence-based practice. (POs #7 and 8)RequirementsThrough this assignment, the student will:1. Conducta systematic search of relevant databases to find research-based evidencerelated to a nursing problem (CO 1);2. Critiquea peer-reviewed study, indicating the purpose, sample, design of study, datacollection method, findings, and limitations of each (CO 2, CO 4,)3. Summarizethe research article and evaluate the significance to nursing. (CO 3).4. Please remember this assignment will be sent toTurnitin for review. If you wait until late Sunday night to submit, you may notreceive your feedback in time if you need to make changes. Please read theannouncement on the Turnitin information.Preparing the PaperConduct a PICO(T) search on the nursing problem that youidentified in Week 2, Discussion questions. Select one most recentpeer-reviewed study that describes original research in a single study. Analyze the article and provide the following information inbrief format: purpose of the study; type of sample and number of participants;research design of the study, findings of the study; and limitations of thestudy. Summarize the importance to nursing.The estimated length of this paper is four (4) pages,excluding the title page and References page. Summarize the results of thestudy as outlined below:1. Write abrief introduction to your paper, however do not label it as an “Introduction”in accordance with the rules of APA scholarly writing.2. Statethe research question for this study in a paragraph. 3. Describethe research design of this study.4. Explainhow the sample was selected and include the number of participants. Make ajudgment as to whether the sample size was adequate, and defend your answer whyor why not. 5. Describethe data collection method(s) including who collected data, what tools wereused, and other pertinent information.6. Identifythe limitations of the study, and describe how the limitations could beovercome in subsequent studies.7. Describethe findings reported in the study. What is the answer to the research questionbased on these findings? If the study fails to answer the research question, whatdo you believe is the reason? 8. Summarizethe article. Based on these findings, is the evidence that you found on yourtopic strong enough to suggest a change in practice, or an idea for practice? Pleaseprovide the rationale for your answer.9. Listyour references, formatted in APA style, On the References page. Guidelines anda sample paper on APA may be found under Course Home in the Course Resourceslink. Follow the guidelines for writing professional papers using APAformatting as described in the 6th edition of the manual.
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