Aftermath of a New Cybersecurity Policy, expert Opinion help
Prepare a 5 to7 paragraph "Expert Opinion" for local government officials. Thisdocument should briefly present a strategy for communicating withresidents about a new "cybersecurity" policy that places accessrestrictions upon the local government's online services website.Background: Due to increased hacking attempts against the ServiceRequest system, the local government adopted the new policy withoutallowing time for public comment. There has been a significant amount ofbacklash including a protest by sports coaches and youth group leaderswho were unable to file reservation requests for ball fields and meetingrooms in local Parks & Recreation facilities.The newly adopted "cybersecurity" policy requires two-factorauthentication (logon/password, PIN) in order to gain access to onlineservices. The registration form requires name, address, cell phonenumber, email address, date of birth, and the last four digits of theindividual's social security number. The PIN is sent to the cell phonenumber (text message) or email address each time an individual attemptsto logon to the Service Request system. If the PIN is not enteredcorrectly, the logon will fail and access to services will be denied.Your "Expert Opinion" (document) should address the following issues:How can the local government officials convince residents that this"invasion of privacy" (collection of personal information during accountregistration) is necessary and for their benefits?Should the local government suspend implementation of the new policyfor 90 days (180 days?) to allow members of the public to comment onthe new policy? Why or Why not?Provide in-text citations and references for 3 or more authoritative sources. Put the reference list at the end of your posting.
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