What is the purpose of life as illustrated in the story of the Zen monks at Eiheiji?, philosophy assignment help
Please read pages 219-288 and complete the following questions.I am looking for approximately one Double-spaced page of content for each of the four questions. Your answers must be in Microsoft Word, Double Spaced, Times New Roman 12 Point Font.4.1 Q8 p235: What is the purpose of life as illustrated in the story of the Zen monks at Eiheiji? Is this lifestyle attractive to you? Why of why not?i need one page each questionseparatedfrom the other.4.2 Q1 p255: The beginning of this chapter speaks of a philosophy of time. What do you think is meant by such a phrase? What benefits might derive from having a philosophy of time? Has this chapter helped you in developing a philosophy of time or, better, a philosophy of how to use time?i need one page each questionseparatedfrom the other.4.3 Q2 p270: In brief, why is the age-old question of free will such a crucial problem? And why is it imperative today that we find a workable solution?i need one page each questionseparatedfrom the other.4.4 Q11 p288: Write a brief critique of (or perhaps a poem on) the comment of Zeno of Citium, p. 275 (margin).i need one page each questionseparatedfrom the other.https://books.google.com/books?id=8vw9z_mnzH8C&printsec=frontcover&dq=Philosophy:+An+Introduction+to+the+Art+of+Wondering+219&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi88-7HyYDLAhUKPz4KHVxtDd4Q6AEIMTAB#v=onepage&q=Philosophy%3A%20An%20Introduction%20to%20the%20Art%20of%20Wondering%20219&f=falsehttps://books.google.com/books?id=VVIJAAAAQBAJ&pg=PA235&lpg=PA235&dq=What+is+the+purpose+of+life+as+illustrated+in+the+story+of+the+Zen+monks+at+Eiheiji?+Is+this+lifestyle+attractive+to+you?+Why+of+why+not?&source=bl&ots=e4Rn-78drq&sig=O0w8GOR7gZbhydo4c2VC1JHbtKE&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjgkbbc74HLAhXlxIMKHbeuACcQ6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=What%20is%20the%20purpose%20of%20life%20as%20illustrated%20in%20the%20story%20of%20the%20Zen%20monks%20at%20Eiheiji%3F%20Is%20this%20lifestyle%20attractive%20to%20you%3F%20Why%20of%20why%20not%3F&f=false
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