Free Speech:The first Amendment allows, political science homework help
***PLEASE READ ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE YOU BEGIN WRITING THE PAPER OR GIVING BIDSIT IS DUE ON OCTOBER THE 19TH***1.Free Speech:The first Amendmentallows that abridgingthe freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably toassemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances. Now, in at least six pages, typed 12-pointfont, double-spaced, respond to the following: Citing at least one current USSupreme Court case, what is the current limitation on free speech? Consider what athletes likeKaepernick and Megan Rapinoe are currently doing when they choose to sit orkneel during the National Anthem. Shouldthey have the right to do this? Is thisdisrespectful, and should that even matter?Why do we only tend to ban speechwhich is unpopular? How can you placelimitations on unpopular speech and then claim that we have freedom ofspeech? Should limitation on speech orcensorship also apply to political candidates? Your essay should be at least sixpages, analyzing the current issue of free speech, and drawing the aboveconclusions. You should use at leastthree sources to support your argument, and these should be formatted in eitherAPA or MLA citation style. For thepurposes of this assignment, Wikipedia is not an acceptable source.
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