Argumentative essay, writing homework help
PLEASE NOTE THAT DUE TO TIME CONSTRAINTS YOU NEED TO SELECT ATOPIC AS SOON AS POSSIBLEPaper Length: 3 double spaced pages + Works Cited(NOTE: Your Works Cited page must include at least three academically rigoroussources relevant to your selected topic. If you neglect to include aWorks Cited page or if you select unqualified sources, (someone's blog,Wikipedia,, or other general sources) then you willautomatically lose 20 points off of your final paper grade. For this paper you are going to craft you own opinion andeditorial assignment. You must select a topic that is current,controversial and relevant. Since this is an opinion/editorial pieceyou’re encouraged to not only state your opinion but you’re also allowed to usefirst person pronouns such as I, me and my. In some respects this will be the most challenging paper you writeall year. In order to be eligible for full credit you MUST develop andpresent an argument in order to providing background information on your topic. If you only write an expository paper but neglect to include a well-developedand well-crafted argument then you will score poorly for this paper. Make sure your introductory paragraph is catchy. Use thelast paragraph to bring your argument to a close. Identify 3 or 4 points that support and defend your argument andformulate paragraphs around each point. Avoid logical fallacies, or incorrect judgments based upon faultydata and arguments. You are expected to incorporate commentary and specific details.I expect your paper to be well-organized and free of anygrammatical errors.Between now and the due date of this assignment we will do thefollowing:1) Class time to discuss various parts of thepaper2) Review of fallacies to avoid3) Assigned readings from your textbook whichfocus on opinion/editorial writing4) Additional handouts to supplement how towrite an argumentation paper.5) Structures of arguments6) Crucial components of a well-developedargument
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