Childhood Literacy Lesson 5, Discussion and Assignment help
Please make into 2 separate documents.DiscussionDiscuss critical issues to consider during book selection:1. Include culturally conscious and culturallydiverse books.2. Include how bias impacts literature for youngchildren.3. Include at least one of the following terms inyour reply: characterization, fairy tales, expository.4. Create 5 different scenarios and tell what typesof books you would choose to read in those scenarios and why.5. Describe how the issues of book selection applyto you. Include personal and/or professional applications.The answer to this Discussion Board question must be at least 250 wordsand use proper grammar and spelling. One citation is required per discussionquestion response. You must make sure to cite your sources properly using APA / MLA.Assignment Cultural RealitySelect and review three picture books that you believe present culturalreality and authenticity or use the selected books below. Summarize whyyou selected each picture book and what elements or features in the bookcaptured cultural reality.Ask yourself the following while analyzing your book:Does thebook respect the dignity of those depicted?Does thebook accurately portray diversity?Aredialects presented realistic, consistent, and appropriate?Is thebook biased and out-of-date?Whatattitudes are encouraged?Arephotographs and illustrations stereotyped?Arediverse individuals shown in a variety of roles, including positions ofauthority?Can youthink of additional questions that should be considered? List them.Characteristics of Authentic LiteratureTheliterature should include the range of character types or people foundwithin the culture, although not necessarily in one book. The charactersshould not be idealized, but neither should stereotypes predominate. Thereshould be doctors, teachers, truck drivers, cooks, and individuals inother occupations.Theillustrations should not consist of caricatures of a group’s physicalfeatures. Rather, the illustrations should reflect the variety found amongmembers of any group.The speechadopted by characters should have linguistic authenticity. Many members ofa group speak standard English and can use and understand various dialectswithin the group as well. Vernacular language and casual, informaldialects are appropriate to some characters some of the time, but not allcharacters all of the time.The namesof the characters should reflect the cultural traditions of a group.Foodshould not be used as a shorthand signifier of a group; for example, riceis not a code word for Asian or Asian-American.Thebeliefs and values of characters as well as their world views shouldreflect the diversity found in the groups’ community. Some will beconservative, others liberal, and a few radical.Writersshould understand the pivotal roles families play in these groups and thefamily configurations that exist within the groups.Authorsshould portray members of the groups as intelligent problem-solvers whoare not dependent on the intervention of a kindly white for redemption,salvation, or mediation.Examples of books for consideration:Cooke, T. Full, full, full of love.Cambridge, MA: Candlewick Press,2003Galindo, M.Icy watermelon. Houston, TX: Pinata Books, 2001De Paola, T. Strega Nona, New York: Scholastic, 1996Summary should include thefollowing:Use of aminimum of one citation from the textbook or another source of informationto support your rationale.List yoursource of information.Minimumlength of summary is 250 words (excluding citation).
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