Emotional intelligence, week 2 discussion help
Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .post most have 4 or more sentences .you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readingsEmotional intelligence is the ability to perceive emotions, to access and generate emotions to assist thought, to understand emotions and possess emotional knowledge, and to contemplatively regulate ones own emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth. Self-awareness as defined by Huber (2014) is the ability to recognize and understand personal moods and emotions as well as their effect on staff relationships. In addition, self-awareness is a key component of both leadership and followership.In the journey to understand personal strengths the path to maximize ones potential will be realized using self-discovery, self- improvement, reflection, and renewal (Giulioni, 2014). An additional self-awareness strategy includes understanding personal limitations and being honest with what still needs to be done. Emotional Maturity in this trait include the following behaviors:ConfidenceSense of HumorAware of your impression on others (able to read the reactions of others to know how you are perceived).The behavior I identify with most in this emotional maturity trait chart is the Sense of Humor. For example, my computer skills are nowhere near where my counterpart millennial admin staff skills are so when working on a special project that requires advanced computer skills, I ask them to demonstrate to me, so next time I can do it myself. In my attempt to learn a new skill we laugh together because this is something we all know is a task I will never excel at.
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