week 5 disc 51
Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction . post most have 4 or more sentences . you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readingsAs leaders in healthcare our job is to advocate, support and communicate for our organizations and for our patients. We must have the foundations of nursing principles and nursing policies to be effective leaders of change. We must be able to gather necessary information, identify the problem, generate necessary alternatives, select required alternatives needed to implement change and be able to evaluate the outcomes. ( Lecture 5, 2013).We must develop a unit that respects the rights of others and the patients we care for. A unit that understands patient safety requirements, educates others and is competent. Advocacy should be on the top of our list as our mission, since we deal in people we must be a voice for all. A voice for our staff regarding care delivery, staffing levels and the need for professional development. A voice for our patients especially those that do not have the ability. We need to assist their decision making process, not influence it by our own feelings or thoughts.Leaders are often more effective at bringing the necessary change than are the individual staff members. So we must champion for our people with the greater power that comes with this role. Listening is most important and being a good communicator is key. We must be problem solvers, change managers, and be able to resolve conflict in fair and justful ways. We are always dealing with a crisis or some sort of chaos in nursing because of the complexity of nurses role and the everchanging enviroment. We can better reengineer nursing and bring change when we listen, when we communicate and when we advocate for the changes needed in our workplaces. We all, at times deal with conflict and chaos but we need to provide a positive enviroment that fosters personal and professional growth for all members. " Leaderships role is to tame the change, control the conflict, and manage the communication
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