Structural Family theory, writing homework help
Please do a paragraph about this post with this instruction .post most have 4 or more sentences .you also have to have a high quality post from a content perspective. This means it also needs to do more than agree with or praise a class mate. If you agree with a classmate, explain why, give an example, share what you learned in the readings, ask questions of each other, etc.The primary goal of Structural Family theory is to bring about structural changes within the appropriate boundaries. Another is to create an effective hierarchical structure where parents are in charge of there children What is also important is how the family adapts and changes overtime.Family members adapt to family rules that allocate roles and function. This adaption fosters smooth functioning anticipating responses, security, loyalty and harmony.Healthy families are not perfect, Emotional expressions are allowed and accepted. They communicate and value time to talk together. They support one another develop trust, and take time and care to mend trust.Therapists using Structural Family Theory delineate proper boundaries between family members and their interactions .eg parents establish boundaries for the healthy growth and development of children such as curfew, household responsibility and appropriate social behaviors. When boundaries are cross, ignored and distort the family structure becomes dysfunctional. If the teenager starts experiences drugs, dictating her own curfew and social behavior and the mother refuses to take responsibility, a dysfunctional transaction has develop.Structural family therapists identify the two main types at each end of a behavioral spectrum:Enmeshed.This dysfunction identifies a family structure that is smothering and overly close.Disengaged. This dysfunction identifies a family structure that is extremely distant.A third type of dysfunctional pattern therapists often encounter is:Triangulation.This dysfunction identifies a structure where one family member gets torn between two others, as in the case of parents placing a child between them while fighting.We can learn new ways of thinking, feeling and interacting and in doing so we can create a life that works for us and is fully functional
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