Individual Presentation - Intel Corporation, business and finance homework help
Please create a 10-20 slide Powerpoint Presentation about Intel Corporation. For the presentation, you include the following: • •history of the company,•who founded the company•product history•potential new products•competitors and what are they doing•current competitive condition of company -- winning or losing or somewhere in between • •strongest products•4 year historical revenue table (google finance review in class) •4 year historical net income table•4 year Price Earning Ratio table • 4 Years debt to capital ratio = computed as: Total Long Term Liabilities divided by [Total Long Term Liabilities plus Total Equity]. • 4 Years gross profit ratio = Gross profit divided by Total Sales or Total Revenues. • 4 Years net profit ratio = Net Income divided by Total Sales or Total Revenues.[Note, for the above debt to capital ratio; gross profit ratio; and net profit ratio you show all your numbers not just the answer in order to gain points, here.] • Beta•potential growth in EPS over the coming five years (yahoo finance review in class)•5 year stock chart (yahoo finance or big charts -- review in class) • Yearly Dividend Yield if company pays dividends• Summary CommentThe assignment will be graded based on you including the information on each one of the bullet points above.
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