The Sociological Perspective
Please answer each problem . There are 3 problems here,please answer each with 250 words each 12 font times roman, citations,and references please no plagiarism.Chapter 1 The Sociological PerspectiveUsingLecture (Chapter 1 Part 2) and the text, define and discuss in detail C. Wright Mills, the SociologicalImagination. Use a personal example to work through the process of theSociological Imagination and how it relates to the SociologicalPerspective.UsingLecture (Chapter 1 Part 4 Section 1, 2, 3, & 4) and the text, summarize the origins andbeginnings of sociology. Analyzehow the social reality of the origins of sociology affected the writingsof Comte, Spencer, and Marx (be specific to each individual)?UsingLecture (Chapter 1 Part 4 Section 5) and the text, discuss in detail the four categoriesof suicide that Emile Durkheim presented.Why was the concept of Social Integration so important toDurkheims study? What made Durkheims study markedly different from thewritings of Spencer and Marx and make his study essential to understandingcontemporary, present day sociology?
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