I need help with a psychology assignment
Part1 Genetic Testing Ouradvances in genetics have opened the door to improvements in thequality of life for many children, and have also initiated manydebates on the ethical and moral considerations of genetic testingand intervention. In this discussion, you will have theopportunity to demonstrate a foundational knowledge of a child'sdevelopmental continuum from conception by addressing one of thesedebates for your original post.Identifytwo genetic tests routinely offered to women during their pregnancy. Citing at least one of these or other scholarly resources ofinformation, describe at least two benefits and two risks of eachprocedure. In your opinion, do the benefits of these proceduresoutweigh the risks posed to either the mother or fetus? Why orwhy not? Apply this information by choosing one of thescenarios below and address the specific issues presented backing upyour opinions with reference from your sources:Then,address one ofthe following scenarios:ScenarioA: Sarahand Tony are expecting their first child. When the doctor asksthe couple if they are interested in having an invasive genetic testdone, Sarah says, “yes”, but Tony is more hesitant and wouldprefer not to take the risk. What is the father’s role inthis decision, considering the historical and contextual role offathers in making decisions regarding pregnancy? What otherissues, including family history, financial constraints, orethics/morals, play in the decision of whether or not these parentsshould receive genetic testing? ScenarioB: Kerryand Greg just found out that they are expecting a baby. Gregknows that there is a family history of sickle cell mutation, and isworried. When their doctor announces a brand new experimentalprocedure to intervene while the fetus is in utero and correct themutation, Greg is very excited. Kerry, however, is concernedabout the risks and what it would mean to alter the genetics of theirunborn child. Provide an argument either for or against interveningwith genetic development prior to birth in order to preventdevelopmental, learning/cognitive, or physical disabilities. What about altering things like hair or eye color, sex, or cosmeticissues (like missing or deformed limbs)? At what point do wedraw the line between improving the quality of life and incorporatingunnecessary risk in the quest for perfection?Part2 Postpartum Depression LetterForthis discussion, you will write a letter responding to the “DearAshford Expert” letter below. This letter should be uniqueand personalized yet scholarly in its approach, using academicinformation to support your opinions and suggestions.DearAshford Expert,Help! My best friend had a beautiful babygirl 6 weeks ago, and while I think that this should be a happy timefor her, she doesn’t seem to be enjoying it at all. When Ivisited the other day, she was wearing pajamas that looked (andsmelled) like she’d been wearing them for days. She keptjoking that she’s “no good at the mom thing” yet, and would tryto laugh it off, but I’m worried! She isn’t interested ingoing out to shop for cute baby clothes, even though I offered tobuy, and she says that she’s not ready to come to our “momsgroup” which meets just once a month for a few hours because shesays that she doesn’t want to burden her husband. Whatgives? How can I help her get out of this funk? Should Ibe worried about her or her little girl?--Flustered FriendYourresponse should answer the questions asked by “Flustered Friend”and include the following:Whatis Postpartum Depression? Analyzeand comment on at least one of the following major themes: Healthand Well-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, or Gender,as factors influencing the developmental (physical, cognitive andpsychosocial) outcomes for the mother, father/partner, and infant.Howcan Postpartum Depression influence the short- and long-termdevelopment of the infant? Be sure to address the physical,cognitive, and psychosocial domains of development.Provideat least one local and one wide-ranging (i.e. internet or phone)resource that someone with Postpartum Depression, or someone with aloved one suffering from Postpartum Depression, can access to findmore information and/or get help. Include all relevantinformation on how to contact each resource.Afterthe letter, this post should include citations in APA formatPart3 ChildrenHaving ChildrenHannah:Homecoming Queen Motherhttps://secure.films.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?token=41334&aid=18596&loid=77362&plt=FOD&w=420&h=315&fWidth=440&fHeight=365Inthis journal, you will create a 500 word script to address the issueof teen pregnancy. You will do this by exploring the physical,cognitive, and psychosocial influences on the development of the teenparent(s), family, and, of course, the infant. You will write ascript that you feel captures the essence of teen pregnancy, as ifyou were providing the script for a public service announcement (PSA)on TV or radio. Unlike a typical written assignment, a PSA ispersuasive in nature and speaks directly to the audience, encouragingthem to read this information and empower themselves (or others) whoneed it. For example, the writing style will look more likethis: “Teens, do you know that your chances of graduating highschool decrease significantly after having a baby?” It isattention-getting and powerful.Jeremy& Aliki: Teen Parentshttps://secure.films.com/OnDemandEmbed.aspx?token=41334&aid=18596&loid=77363&plt=FOD&w=420&h=315&fWidth=440&fHeight=365Yourscript should address the following:Atleast one current statistic on teen pregnancy (within the last 3years).Theeffect of teen fathers on the pregnancy, teen mother’sdevelopment, and infant development.Analyzehow at least 1 of the major themes of development (Health andWell-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, or Gender)positively and negatively influences the physical, cognitive andpsychosocial outcomes for the children of teen parents.Analyzehow at least 1 of the major themes of development (Health andWell-Being, Family and Parenting, Education, Culture, or Gender)positively and negatively influences the physical, cognitive andpsychosocial outcomes for the teen parents.Atleast one local and one wide-ranging (i.e. internet or phone)resource from which teens, their friends, or their parents can getmore information or assistance regarding teen pregnancy.Youmust cite all of your sources (including the video embedded above) inproper APA style. If you are unsure how to create an APA stylereference page, please visit the AshfordWriting Center website.Aside from the website on which you took you quiz, you are to findone scholarly resource through the Ashford Library website to helpsupport your reflections.
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