Paper on moral theories and Emotional Intelligence
Part 1Please answer this question not more than 1 or 2 paragraphsThis week we look at moral theory. The material for this week is very interesting and our discussion should bear this out. As we discuss the material for this week, you should seek to talk about cases using the moral theories we encounter.Material:Moral theory is a complex area of inquiry, so this week we will confine our examination to two of the most influential: utilitarianism and Kantianism. The basic difference between these theories is that utilitarianism finds the rightness of acts in the consequences they produce, while Kantianism maintains there is a moral law we must obey even if the consequences are not what we would like. 2Topic developmentFor the paper Paper *Emotional Intelligence* (part 1 will be uploaded later)In no more than one page (single-spaced) , provide the following paper overview:1. State the thesis you will support.2. Sketch the relevant background for the issue. Include the philosophers, titles of works and views/theories that will be central in your paper.3. Sketch the argument/analysis that you will offer in the paper in support your thesis.4. Give at least one objection that someone may offer in response to your position.5. Briefly, say how you respond to that objection.
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