the strategy literature and concepts to develop a personal strategy for their SCM, management homework help
Overview: Students will use the strategy literature and concepts to develop a personal strategy for their supply chain management career after graduation. Write about your short, medium, and long term career goals, and develop a strategy to achieve them. Student should include a copy of a professional resume as part of the paper. Maximum length of the paper is 10 pages. The average length is 7 to 9 pages.your grade will reflect this. PaperGuidelinesExecutive Summary/Statement of Purpose (Must be1 page)· This should include anoverview of your entire paper with an introduction, body, and conclusionBody of your Paper (3-4 pages)· Discuss your plans aftergraduation with the following questions in mind:o What do you intend todo? Are you planning to pursue another degree? o What career fieldinterests you? Why? What are you plans to get into this career field? Spendsome time researching the field you are interested in and provide context onwhy you believe that is the field of choice for you.o Research the type of jobyou would like to have after graduation.o What experiences do youhave now that will help you when you enter in this field? o What specific classeshave you taken that you believe have prepared you for the real world? Why? o Are there anyextracurricular activities that you were a part of that built your leadershipskills for the particular career of your choice? Why?o Tell your story, how didyou end up pursuing this degree and how has your life experience impacted youin a way that will benefit you in your life?o What are your short termgoals? Medium Term Goals? Long term goals? Why?o How will you ensure thatyou can meet those goals? What if you don’t meet those goals? What is yourback-up plan?o What key skills such asSWOT analysis or essential classroom learnings will you apply in your future?o What are the key skillsthat you do well? What are some skills you need to improve on? How will youleverage the talents you have to ensure you succeed after college?o What does success meanto you? How will you take what success means to you and apply it to yourcareer?o Identify someinfluential people in your life and think about how these people haveinfluenced you to be better in your life as a student and your life aftergraduation. What learnings will you take from these people to ensure you canapply it to your life?o What accomplishmentshave made you the most proud thus far in your life? Whatgoals/dreams/aspirations do you have for yourself after college?Conclusion (1 Page)Resume (1 Page)· Be sure to include yourresume as part of your paper · Do not be lazy in developing your resume or any aspects of yourpaper. Your paper will be graded using the rubric on the following page – Lazysubmissions of work will be graded according to the rubric.
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