Amazon, business and finance homework help
One of the objectives of this classis to increase your awareness of and experience with group dynamics. To facilitate this learning, your instructorwill assign students into teams of 3-4 members each. A second objective is to apply the principles and concepts ofstrategy that you will learn in class to become an effective manager. Thus, tocomplete this project, you will assume the role of management consultants. Yourteam will contact, meet, gain cooperation with, and collect information frommanagers in a firm of your choice. You will also conduct secondary (library)research and synthesize analyses based on what is learned in both pursuits. You will be expected to applyconcepts and models from each chapter in the book in your project. You will executean analysis of the firms present situation and recommend a future directionfor your chosen enterprise. Too, you will be expected to integrate yourknowledge of all chapters to tell a consistent story across each segment ofthe project. Thus, one key to your project will be recognizing whether yourfirm has attained a sustained competitive advantage, a sustained competitivedisadvantage, or neither. A second key will be explaining why the firm hasperformed in this manner. Finally, a third key will be recommending what futurecourse(s) of action might improve the firms performance. A guideline for the final project isprovided below.FIRMINTRODUCTION: Brieflysummarize, in approximately one page or less, your chosen firm. This caninclude the history of your chosen firm, its products and markets, itsgeographic diversification, its relative size, its organizational structure,its competitors, its ownership, etc. This description should occupy one page atmost!FINANCIALANALYSIS: Conduct a thorough financial assessment of the firm and its peers.Use the measures of return we have discussed in class. Compare your firmsperformance to relevant competitors over at least five years here. A thoroughanalysis will also include examination of the firms financial statements forobvious anomalous changes (e.g., extraordinary items), identification of suchanomalies, and correction for such anomalies if possible. Other firm financialdata may also be included if it is relevant to your story. You should conclude,based on your financial analysis, whether your firm has a sustained advantage,a sustained, disadvantage, or neither. VISION /MISSION / OBJECTIVES:Identify the current vision, mission, and high-level objectives of your chosenfirm. Evaluate these statements in lightof your firms competitive position and in light of what we have learned aboutsuch statements during the course. EXTERNALANALYSIS: Utilizemodels we have discussed in class to assess the firms environment. This shouldinclude models of the general (macro-) environment, the task environment(Porters Five Forces), and competition (strategic group maps). You shouldassess whether your firms environment is favorable, unfavorable, or neutral. Inaddition, it is very important that you address how the firms environmentmight be changing over time. The result of this exercise should be theidentification of opportunities and threats which will be addressed in yourrecommendations section. INTERNALANALYSIS: Utilizemodels we have discussed in class to assess the firms strengths andweaknesses. This can include assessments using models of resources andcapabilities, generic strategies, and value chains. Classification intotangible resources, intangible resources, and combinations of resources mayhelp support your arguments, especially those concerning sustained advantage.This section should result in a clearidentification of your firms key strengths and weaknesses which will also beutilized in your recommendations section.STRATEGICRECOMMENDATIONS: Basedupon your conclusions regarding your firms competitive position(advantage/disadvantage), the opportunities and threats it faces in itsenvironment, and its strengths and weaknesses, identify and recommend the majorstrategic options your firm should pursue in the future. You may draw upon themodels presented in Chapters 6-8 in framing this discussion. STRATEGYIMPLEMENTATION: Use themodels presented in your books Chapter 10 to explain how you will implementyour recommendations. CONCLUSION: Briefly summarize the team projectand provide concluding remarks in approximately one page or less. Theproject output includes:-Awritten report consisting of 9 pages (minimum) to 10 pages (maximum), wordprocessed, 11-point Arial font, double-spaced with 1 margins. Page count excludes cover page (required),references (required), and appendices (graphs, tables, charts, etc).Evaluations will be based on the quality of the analysis and strategicrecommendations, conciseness, professionalism, etc. (see the Rubrics below).-Anoral presentation to the class (not to exceed 15 minutes) scheduled towards theend of the semester. Professionalism is assumed.The presentation should encapsulate and summarize the main pointsoutlined in the guideline above and include substantial visual aids(PowerPoint, Prezi, or film).
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