Listen 8th Ed. Joseph Kerman, Gary Tomlinson
No plagiarism 900-1000 wordsUse the textbook as a primary source along with at least 3 other sources, one additional source for eachcomposer, found online or at a library. 3 composers: Ludwig van Beethoven, Richard Wagner, & Gustav MahlerFINAL ESSAY TOPIC:From all the composers whose music we have heard in Chapters 15 through 23,choose the three composers that you wish most to have met. For each composer sumup their essential biography and describe in detail, using the vocabulary andterminology learned from the course, an example of their music heard on the courseCDs. Include in your essay reasons for your choices and three questions you wouldhave liked to ask each one along with the answers they may have given based onwhat you learned from your research about each composer.The essay should be written in paragraph format, no bullet points. Write a full andthorough essay of at least 900 words not counting the bibliography. Points will bededucted for essays that are too brief. The essay is a research paper. Use the textbook as aprimary source along with at least 3 other sources, one additional source for eachcomposer, found online or at a library. YouTube is not an acceptable source. Do not listsearch engines, like, as a source. Instead give the exact web address ofwebsites. Do not discuss musical works using track numbers. Discuss them using theterminology learned from the course. The grade for the essay will be based on content,style and grammar, and most importantly your use of musical terms and terminology.Your essay should be written in your own voice. So put what you learn from yourresearch into your own words. This will help avoid plagiarism, too.Be sure to document by citing the source with a footnote, endnote, or internal note, anydirectly quoted or paraphrased material within your essay. Use quotation marks whereneeded. No more than 10% of the essay can be direct quotes. Lastly, include abibliography of the sources you used in writing the essay. The essay should be at least900 words to about 1200 words, not including the bibliography. If your essay has theminimum word count (around 1000 words including the bibliography), 3 additionaloutside sources, and stays on topic and has no more than 10% direct quotes and noevidence of plagiarism, then you are guaranteed a passing grade of 70 for the essay. Forthose who are repeating the course and might have written on this topic or a similar one,you cannot reuse the previously submitted paper. You must write a fresh, all new essay.Use this book source-"Listen 8th Ed. Joseph Kerman, Gary Tomlinson." If you could use these musical works belowfor the three composers for the final essay. I'm just trying tomake a good finalgrade and relying on this to be spot on. Richard Wagner, The Valkyrie(1851-1856)Gustav Mahler Symphony No. 1 (1888)Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No. 5 in C Minor, Op 67 (1808)
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