Organizational leadership paper, management homework help
need to present anddiscuss a real life management problem in a practical business context. The main goal of this assignment is how much you can analyze and synthesizerelevant issues from what you learned (and will learn) in your class,and apply theories to the managementproblem. 1. Requirement: Search recent business news or cases OUTSIDE of yourtextbook.Possible sources:- Business Week - Forbes - Fortune - Harvard Business Review- The Wall Street Journal or other similarpublications- Websites: Knowledge @ Wharton Use Business Source Premier with your interesting topic keywords- Google with your interesting topic keywordsPossible topics: - Leaders perception and decision making bias - Successful leader how she/he became successful? - Unethical leader can come with unethical company case - Cognitive ability and Emotional intelligence of leader - How to motivate your employee - Abusive supervisor - Workplace Bullying - Improving Employee Job Satisfaction - Encouraging Ethical Behavior in Employees (e.g. consider the impactof their actions on climate change, ensure the safety of others, consider howactions impact multiple stakeholders) - How leader builds corporate culture - How leader can change the organizationI. Summary (15 points) Inthis section, please summarize your choice of article. It should be about 1-2paragraphs, and less than one page. II. Define the mainproblem/issue (15 points) Inthis section, please try to find the main problem/ issue from your choice ofarticle. The main problem/ issue can be similar to what your chosen articleauthor is arguing. On the other hand, you may not agree with the authors pointof view. Please describe whether you agree/disagree with the author, and wouldlike to add a point with your own opinion. It should be about 1-2 paragraphs,and less than one page. III. Application (50points) Thisis the most important section ofthis assignment. Try to find related theory from your textbook or lecture noteand apply to your chosen article. For example, if you choose to study onemployee job satisfaction, you need to describe (1) how job satisfaction can bedefined (or measured) in the organization, (2) what other things are related tojob satisfaction, and (3) what leader should know to improve job satisfactionbased on what we learn (will learn). For other topics, application should bedifferent from the example above. I am expecting to see at least THREEapplication points from our course material. This section should be more than 2.5 pages. IV. Conclusion (15points) Thisis a short paragraph of what you have discussed through the assignment. Itshould be about 1-2 paragraph and less than a half page. V. Reference andAppendix (5 points) Thissection is not included in your total page. You should include thearticle you searched with the web address. Also, if possible, you need to copythe article in the appendix, so I can check the article that you searched forthe assignment.Format: Please make sure toinclude following items in your assignment with subheadings for eachsection.Excluding exhibits and attachments, with 12-point font, doublespacing, and one-inch margins. 4 pages.
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