Describe the characteristics of a data warehouse, computer science Assignment help
Need Answer for 2 Questions1.1 – Research/CriticalThinking/Short Essay (70 points)· Describe thecharacteristics of a data warehouse.· Compare and contrast SMPvs MPP data warehouse technology.· Identify the pros andcons of each.· Make an overallrecommendation of which architecture you believe would be more effective in amedium size hospital. Provide justification for your recommendation.· Essay should be at least450, but not more than 600 words.REMINDER:If you use a referenceas a source for your work products, you must use the APA in-text citationformat to credit the author.1.2 – Weekly Discussion Forum Posts (30 points)Select a topic below and post an original thread of100 to 150 words each in this week’s discussion forum. · Pick at least two data warehouse vendors,compare and contrast their products, their market and if possible theirpricing. Example of major data warehousevendors are: SAP Hana, Oracle Exadata, Microsoft SQL Server, Teradata, andGreenplum.· What data warehousing methodology, Inmonor Kimball do you prefer and why?· Does Big Data belong in Data Warehousing,why or why not?REMINDER:If you use a referenceas a source for your work products, you must use the APA in-text citationformat to credit the author.
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