Need psychology help with a Narrative for the Integrative Personality Theory Paper
Narrative for the Integrative Personality TheoryPaperPrior to beginning work on this assignment, review sections1.2, 1.3, and 1.4 of Chapter 1 in the text. In addition, read the e-booksections by Glanz (n.d.) and Saucier and Srivastava (2015).The majorassignment for this course is the development of your personal IntegrativePersonality Theory. In this paper, you will select one concept from each of theseven models covered in this course to include in your theory. Note that thisis not meant to be an overview of each model, and the paper cannot focus on justone model. Rather, you are to select a specific concept from a theory in eachmodel, and you must include one concept from each of the seven models in yourfinal paper. Click here for examples of some of the main concepts from the Psychodynamic ModelIn thisweek’s assignment, you will begin work on the final paper. You will completethe specific secions of the paper that are indicated below. This allows you tobegin work on this major assignment and receive formative feedback from yourinstructor in order to improve final submission. Please visit the AshfordWriting Center for guidance on how to format headings in APA Style.Instructions for the week three requiredsections:Introduction: Provide a general introductionto the topic of theories of personality. Explain what you plan to cover anddescribe the direction your paper will take. Note: This section will not featurea heading. Major Concepts In this section, youwill present the seven specific concepts identified from the seven models youthink best apply to the study of personality in distinct subheadings. For eachconcept, identify the major personality model from which the concept was takenas well as the theorist associated with that model. Each concept section shouldbe approximately 3-4 paragraphs. For week three, you need to completetwo of the seven total required by week five. Click here for anexample of how to structure your discussion of each concept.Psychodynamic Model ConceptNeurobiological Model ConceptBehavioral Model ConceptCognitive Model ConceptInterpersonal/relational Model ConceptTrait Model ConceptSelf-Psychology Model Concept Excluded Concepts In this section, present the concepts you have chosen to excludein your theory of personality development. Reflect on the basic assumptionsthat define personality and identify three specific excluded concepts from anyof the theories studied in the course. For each of the excluded concepts,provide a rationale explaining the various aspects of the concept that make itunsuitable for your use and compare and contrast it with the concepts you havechosen to include. Each concept will be approximately 2-3 paragraphs.In week three you need to flesh out the section for one of the three-allthree are due in week five.The Differences betweenHealthy and Unhealthy PersonalitiesDescribe the basic differencesbetween healthy and unhealthy personality, based on the concepts that you havechosen to include and exclude from your theory. This section will beapproximately two to four paragraphs. Start the draft in week three tobe finalized in week five.The Roles of Heredity, theEnvironment, and EpigeneticsProvide your analysis of the rolesheredity, the environment, and epigenetics play in the development ofpersonality. Discuss how heredity and the environment might affect personalitydisorders. This section will be approximately three to five paragraphs.Start the draft in week three to be finalized in week five.Assessment and Measurement of the TheoryThere is norequirement in week three for this-the section must be completed by weekfive.Self-Reflection In this section ofthe paper, review the self-reflection you wrote in Week One of this class anddescribe how and in what ways your views have or have not changed. Analyze yourWeek One self-assessment using the concepts that you have included in yourintegrative theory and describe how your theory explains your personality. Thissection will be approximately four to six paragraphs. Start the draftin week three to be finalized in weekfive.Conclusion: There is no requirement inweek three for this-the section must be completed by week five.Researcha minimum of four of the eight scholarly sources related to these concepts inthe Ashford University Library to support your statements in the paper. Popularwebsites and your textbook may augment, but they will not count toward theminimum number of sources needed for the paper.Theassignment:Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title pageand references page) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in theAshford Writing Center.Must include a separate title page with the following:Title of paperStudent’s nameCourse name and numberInstructor’s nameDate submitted Must use at least four scholarly sources in addition to the course text.Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford WritingCenter.Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APAstyle as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Examples of some of the main concepts from the Psychodynamic ModelTo help you in this exercise, here is a partial list of the main theorists and concepts from the psychodynamic model. In the Main Concepts section of your paper, you will need to include ONE concept from this model to include.Freud:• The basic Instincts—sex and aggression• Psychosexual development• Id-Ego-Superego• Conscious –preconscious –unconscious• Defense MechanismsJung:• Individuation• Collective Unconscious--Archetypes• Synchronicity• Introversion and extroversionAdler:• Birth order• Feelings of Inferiority• Goal directed behaviorWinnicott:• Object relations• Good enough motherErikson:• Psychosocial development—the Epigenetic Principle• Identity DevelopmentKohut:• NarcissismMalan:• Triangle of conflictExample of how to structure your discussion of each conceptSAMPLEFrom the psychodynamic model, I have chosen to include Jung’s concept of the collective unconscious. I am including this because I believe that there are aspects to our personalities that we cannot explain from our own experiences alone. Jung postulates that the collective unconscious is comprised of instincts and archetypes that are not ours personally, but that we all share as a species. Jung studied numerous cultures and spent time living among indigenous societies in his attempt to understand the human psyche. He was also very interested in mythology and noted that similar myths and symbols existed across cultures and time. Jung noted that these similar “psychic processes are peculiar to any human being of any time; that is, they have an ahistorical and an atemporal structural nature, regardless of culture” ((Iurato, 2015, p. 64). In other words, virtually all cultures and peoples create some kind of shared religious practice, which is often an integral part of their identities. Wars and conflicts in the Middle East illustrate this point.The collective unconscious cannot be understood without including a discussion of archetypes. These are universal symbols that help us to envision and make sense of the world around us. Jung believed that there were several archetypes that we all experience and can access and that increasing our awareness of them will help us to better understand ourselves and live in the world. Two important archetypes that are relevant to the study of personality are the anima/animus and the shadow. The anima/animus represent the unconscious feminine in the masculine and the unconscious masculine in the feminine. Jung believed that these archetypes were always at play in our interpersonal relationship with the opposite sex in that we project our inner feminine or masculine onto our partners and react to that projection rather than to the person with whom we are involved. The expression and/or suppression of masculine andfeminine inside each of us play a role in the development of our personalities (Laughlin & Tibera, 2012).The shadow represents what is commonly referred to as our “dark side.” But it is bigger than that. It encompasses all the things about us that we do not want to accept. Humans tend to repress their shadow as unacceptable, but Jung says that the shadow can be a source of vibrant creativity if acknowledged and managed. Otherwise the shadow will manage us. The shadow can also explain healthy and unhealthy personalities. Jung says that a repressed shadow will find ways to escape. If we can acknowledge and embrace our shadow, we can channel its energy into creative outlets. If we deny or repress our shadow, then that energy will express itself in unhealthy ways. So from a Jungian perspective, some of the differences between healthy and unhealthy personalities can be explained by our ability to face, embrace, and express the archetypes that exist in our collective unconscious.Iurato, G. (2015). A brief comparison of the unconscious as seen by Jung and Levi-Strauss [PDF]. Anthropology of Consciousness, 26(1), 60-107., C. D., & Tiberia, V. A. (2012). Archetypes: Toward a Jungian anthropology of consciousness. Anthropology of Consciousness, 23(2), 127-157. doi:10.1111/j.1556-3537.2012.01063.x
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