Need business and finance help with a Letter of Interest
Letter of InterestA positionhas just opened in another department at the company where you work. While youhave a lot of experience in your current job, the new position would requireyou to learn about new products and procedures. Write a letter to the hiringmanager at your company expressing your interest in the new position, relatingyour accomplishments in your current position, and describing how your skillswill help you succeed in the new position.Develop a response that includes examplesand evidence to support your ideas, and which clearly communicates the requiredmessage to your audience. Organize your response in a clear and logical manneras appropriate for the genre of writing. Use well-structured sentences,audience-appropriate language, and correct conventions of standard AmericanEnglish.Example of Effective Letter of InterestIt has caught my attention that the J&JCompany is looking to hire an advertising manager. This position is of muchinterest to me, and I would like to express my interest by first describingmy qualifications for the job. I have been employed by the J&J Companyfor the past ten years now, and I have learned skills and knowledge throughthis company that are of much greater value compared to other firms I haveworked with. My experience as the creative director has attributed to much ofmy growth as an aspiring businessman and has successfully equipped me tocomplete and resolve all projects, tasks, and issues at hand.As J&J Company's creative director, I havebeen exposed to many different settings and situations. Being placed in suchdifferent situations, I have learned how to adapt myself to many kinds ofenvironments while continuing to progress each stage of the marketingprocess.I was recently commissioned by the previousadvertising director to create a marketing campaign design plan for J&J Company'smost recent client, Klean Kanteen. After leading the design team to createthe campaign, one of our team members plagiarized the writing sample for thecampaign ad, which created much dispute between the original source. Aftermaking many emails and phone calls, I took the situation upon myself and madesure to settle any disputes that almost resulted in possible lawsuits. As theteam leader, I was able to calmly diffuse the problem without hesitation ordelay.My strengths as a team leader not only qualifyme as an advertising manager, but they also prove my ability to work wellwith individuals while nurturing teams for high levels of performance. Myprior experience with J&J Company has given me an advantage and extensiveknowledge of the company that enables me to learn the job quickly, allowingthe company to save time and expenses that would otherwise be sent ontraining and other areas of human resources. Hiring me would be verybeneficial for the company both financially and for time-efficiency.As J&J Company's creative director, I havehad the opportunity to work closely with the advertising department, allowingme to build good relationships with the advertising team and learn what theydo. I have found that my current position qualifies me for the role ofadvertising manager because both departments requires the same skills andareas of expertise for high levels of performance. Although I would have toadjust and expand my role within the company, this position would enable meto expand my knowledge and responsibility in the company. I fully believethat I am the best fit for this position because of the dedication, loyalty,and commitment I have invested to the company already.Having been with J&J Company for the pastten years, I am a firm believer of the company mission statement, values,vision, and beliefs. I would like to take this opportunity to further involvemyself in the company and to take the company further, specifically in themarketing and advertising department. My qualities, skills, and areas ofexpertise prove me to be the best candidate for the job. Please review myattached resume for my specific qualifications, accomplishments, and workexperience. I can be reached by phone at (555) 555-5555 ext. 7 and by emailat Thank you for taking your time to read my letter ofinterest, and I look forward to arranging an interview with you soon.Sincerely,M.J.Creative DirectorJ&J CompanyWriting Performance:6 - veryeffectively communicates the writer's message.Writing Trait:Commentary:Focus & MeaningThis model responsedemonstrates very effective focus and meaning. The writer establishes andmaintains an insightful controlling idea or bottom line, demonstrates athorough understanding of the purpose, clearly adapts the message to theaudience, and completes all parts of the task. ("It has caught myattention that the J&J Company is looking to hire an advertising manager.This position is of much interest to me, and I would like to express myinterest by first describing my qualifications for the job. I have beenemployed by the J&J Company for the past ten years now, and I havelearned skills and knowledge through this company that are of much greatervalue compared to other firms I have worked with. My experience as thecreative director has attributed to much of my growth as an aspiringbusinessman and has successfully equipped me to complete and resolve allprojects, tasks, and issues at hand.")Content &DevelopmentThe response providesvery effective content and development of ideas. The writer develops ideasfully and memorably, using appropriate concepts and terms. Supporting detailsclearly develop ideas very effectively. ("I was recently commissioned bythe previous advertising director to create a marketing campaign design planfor J&J Company's most recent client, Klean Kanteen. After leading thedesign team to create the campaign, one of our team members plagiarized thewriting sample for the campaign ad, which created much dispute between theoriginal source. After making many emails and phone calls, I took thesituation upon myself and made sure to settle any disputes that almostresulted in possible lawsuits. As the team leader, I was able to calmlydiffuse the problem without hesitation or delay.")OrganizationVery effectiveorganization is a prime feature of this response. A cohesive and unifiedstructure, along with effective use of paragraphing or grouping ofinformation, logical connections, and transitional devices, is demonstrated.Additionally, the conclusion clearly addresses what is expected of thereaders after reading the document. ("Having been with J&J Companyfor the past ten years, I am a firm believer of the company missionstatement, values, vision, and beliefs. I would like to take this opportunityto further involve myself in the company and to take the company further,specifically in the marketing and advertising department. My qualities,skills, and areas of expertise prove me to be the best candidate for the job.Please review my attached resume for my specific qualifications,accomplishments, and work experience. I can be reached by phone at (555)555-5555 ext. 7 and by email at Thank you for taking your timeto read my letter of interest, and I look forward to arranging an interviewwith you soon.")Language Use &StyleVery effective use oflanguage and style is apparent throughout the response. The writingdemonstrates precise, professional language and word choice, a defined voice,and a clear sense of audience, along with the presence of well-structured andvaried sentences. The following compound sentence is used effectively:"This position is of much interest to me, and I would like to express myinterest by first describing my qualifications for the job."Mechanics &ConventionsThis sample responseshows very effective control of mechanics and conventions. There are few orno errors in punctuation, spelling and usage, and grammar and sentencestructure. The response effectively demonstrates correct use of punctuation(i.e., apostrophes, colons, commas, hyphens, italics, parentheses, periods,quotation marks, and semicolons), excellent spelling (and word usage), andcorrect grammar (i.e., excellent use of subject-verb agreement, pronoun use,parallel structure, and sentence structure; particularly a lack of fragmentsand run-ons). ("My strengths as a team leader not only qualify me as anadvertising manager, but they also prove my ability to work well withindividuals while nurturing teams for high levels of performance. My prior experiencewith J&J Company has given me an advantage and extensive knowledge of thecompany that enables me to learn the job quickly, allowing the company tosave time and expenses that would otherwise be sent on training and otherareas of human resources.")
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