the Accounts of the Wounded Knee Massacre, history assignment help
Lesson 1 DiscussionRead Chapter 16 and the information provided regarding theAccounts of the Wounded Knee Massacre. Once all reading is complete, respond tothe following items:According to Black Elk, what atrocities took place aWounded Knee? How did President Harrison describe these atrocities?Whom did Black Elk blame for the Wounded Knee Massacre?Whom did Harrison blame?According to President Harrison, what was the future ofNative Americans? How did Black Elks vision of the future compare toHarrisons vision?Lesson 2 DiscussionRead Chapters 17 and 18 as well as the If I Were a Maninformation by Charlotte Perkins Gillman. Once all reading is complete, respondto the following items:What things most surprised Mollie-as-Gerald?What point was Gilman making in this story? What did she identify as the gender inequalities of theday?Do the stereotypes concerning women that Gilman illustratesin this piece exist today? If so, provide an example.Lesson 3 DiscussionRead Chapter 19 as well as the Happiness in Marriageinformation by Margaret Sanger. Once all reading is complete, respond to thefollowing items:What changes did Sanger describe in married relations inrecent generations?What changes did Sanger hope would come about if unplannedpregnancies could be prevented?Do debates concerning birth control and unplannedpregnancies still occur in the United States?Are Sangers points still relevant? How?Lesson 4 DiscussionRead Chapters 20 and 21 as well as the Share Our Wealthinformation by Huey Long. Once all reading is complete, respond to thefollowing items:What were the most radical aspects of Longs plan? Did any of his ideas become reality?Upon whose law did Long base his ideas?Do you think this assertion increased or diminished supportfor his ideas?What did Long predict would be the consequences if thenation failed to adopt a program such as his?Lesson 5 DiscussionRead Chapter 22 as well as the Transcript of theRoosevelt-Molotov Meeting. Once all reading is complete, respond to thefollowing items:Why does Molotov believe a second front should be openedin 1942?If such a front is opened, what does Molotov predict?If such a front is not opened, what does he fear might occur?Given that a second front in France was not opened untilJune, 1944, what do you think the effect of that delay may have had onlonger-term U.S.Soviet relations?Lesson 6 DiscussionRead Chapters 23 and 24 along with the information providedregarding The Southern Manifesto. Once all reading is complete, respond to thefollowing items:What is the basis of the opposition to the Brown decisionas expressed in this document?According to the manifesto, whose power would the federalgovernment usurp by implementing Brown?What role did habits, customs, and traditions play inthe arguments presented in the document?Lesson 7 DiscussionRead Chapters 25 and 26 along with the information providedon Dissenting Opinion on Vietnam by George Ball. Once all reading is complete,respond to the following items:According to this document, what are the options PresidentJohnson faces? What decision DID hemake? Was it/were they the rightdecisions?Lesson 8 DiscussionRead Chapters 27 and 28 along with George H.W. Bush's GulfWar Address. Once all reading is complete, respond to the following items:Although most of this speech focuses on Iraq and Kuwait,what domestic issues does President Bush also address? How are those issueslinked to the situation in Iraq?Which counties does Bush identify specifically as workingclosely with the United States? Why might he focus on these countries?Ultimately, according to Bush, why is intervention inKuwait necessary? Foner, E., Give Me Liberty: An American History, 4th Edition, W. W. Norton & Company
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