Need help with political science with a case about Ronald Lee Wilson
Lastweek, we looked at a civil case that was appealed to the Texas Supreme Court.This week, let's look at a criminal case that was reviewed by the Texas Courtof Criminal Appeals.Goto the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals website: the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, then use the "Hand DownList" to find a list of the court's recent orders and opinions, which areorganized by the date of issue. Find a decision issued on March 3, 2010,involving Ronald LeeWilson (PD-0307-09), who was convicted of shooting Amos Gutierrez in2006. Turns out, the detective used a fake forensic report to bluff Wilson intothinking his fingerprints were on an ammo clip found near the body, whichconvinced Wilson to confess to the crime.Writea 3-5 pages essay about the case. Make sure your essay tells your reader:1. The name of the case.2. What it was basicallyabout.3. What did the court decideabout the lower court of appeals opinion and why?4. What is a dissentingopinion, and what were the reasons behind the one in this case?5. As the majority opinionpoints out, courts have long held that the police may use a certain amount of"trickery and deception" during an interrogation. If you were a judgedeciding this case, how would you rule? How would you balance society's need toget bad guys convicted with our Constitution's rights of the accused?Submitthis assignment in Microsoft Word. Cite your sources. Other ResourcesHoustondefense attorney John Floyd talks about the Wilson case on his blog: covers the Wilson case on his blog, too: Antonio Express-News covered the Wilson case: state court websitesThelast few semesters, both websites you need for the Texas Judiciary assignmentseem to have a lot of problems. If the websites are down, which they alwaysseem to be about the time this assignment is due, here are some alternativeways to get the information you need.Use"FindLaw," an online resource for lawyers. They charge for certainthings, but this information is available for free.Goto Findlaw's Texas page: to the "State" section and click on "Supreme Court andCourt of Criminal Appeals Opinions."Whenyou get there, you'll see that Supreme Court opinions are listedchronologically near the top of the page, CCA opinions below. Use the dateslisted in the assignment for each case to find the court opinion and proceedwith the assignment.
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