instrument on Oxford Music Online, art & design homework help
it doesn't need write research paper, just according to those question, answer it, write it!1. List the title and artist information for one album that can be found on Naxos Music Library.2. Search for one composer who writes music for your voice type or instrument on Oxford Music Online. Print the first page of their biography article.( just tell me where is this website, then i print)Then write a Chicago style note and bibliography citation for the article.3. Search the title The Hole Truth and Nothing but the Truth on JSTOR and print it (just tell me where is this website, i print) Then write a Chicago style note and bibliography citation for the article.4. Summarize The Hole Truth... article in your own words, explaining what points are made and what evidence is brought forth to support them. The summary may not exceed 200 words. It should be written as clearly and straightforwardly as possible, and must be correct in both spelling and grammar. Please double-space and use 12 point font.5. Write a thesis statement for a potential MU 346 Music History II research paper. The topic should focus on subject matter occurring after the Baroque time period.
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