Comparative Textual Alanysis
Introduction:The comparative analysis ispart classification, as itspurpose is to identify thedefining elements of eachdiscipline. Being able toidentify the specific focus,audience, language, style,structure, and purpose ofvarious texts allows one tobetter understand the use ofconventions, and how to usethese conventions to reachspecific discoursecommunities.Reading articles from thehumanities, social sciences,and natural sciences willincrease literacy in thesespecific areas and help oneacquire the needed languageskills to approach eachdiscipline. It will increaseknowledge of disciplinespecificlanguage andreinforce effective readingstrategies to process,comprehend, and criticallyanalyze a wide range oftexts.Assignment:This assignment will includethree articles, each from adifferent discipline.You will read all threearticles and determine whicharticle belongs to thehumanities, social sciences,or natural sciences.You will then produce a twopage essay wherein youdiscuss and compare thelanguage, style, and formatfor each article.Consider the followingquestions: Minus journaltitles, what indicates eacharticles discipline? How isthe overall paper organized?What writing strategies arebeing used?Requirements Two full pagesMLA style anddocumentation Double-spaced Times New Roman, 12-point font MLA citation page andcorrespondingparenthetical citations.** **Articles:Elizabeth N. Hopton: Anorexia Nervosa in AdolescentGirls: A Culture-Bound Disorder of Western Society?(Social Cosmos)Randi Hutter Epstein: When Eating Disorders Strike inMidlife (The New York Times)Debra K. Katzman, MD: Medical Complications in Adolescentswith Anorexia Nervosa (Updates and NewDirections in Research). ****
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