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IntroductionImagine going to work, andsomeone takes whatever they want, because there will be no consequences? Even though are world, and the people in itare not perfect. We cannot depend on everyone to do the right thing, and neverbreak a law. Law enforcement agencies have the mandate of promoting safety amongstthe citizens of a given country, and to achieve the same it is important toprovide the necessary equipment and facilities to them.Law Enforcement agency is agovernment agency to enforce the laws, maintain safety, and maintain order. Inthe United States there are well over 17,000 Law Enforcement agencies rangingfrom Small, Medium, Large, Local and State Law enforcement agencies, are incharge of policing districts, provinces, states, tribal terrains and uncommonlocales. These agencies can have as few as one officer to upwards of 30,000 ormore full-time personnel. Community policing has proved to be very effective,and therefore a strategic community development plan is crucial in lawenforcement. According to the IACP (n.d.), Apublic affirmation of adhering to an Oath of Honor is a powerful vehicledemonstrating ethical standards (par.1). To be effective at improvingtrustworthiness inside of an organizations leaders need to ensure the oath is frequentlydisplayed throughout the organization, as well as ensuring ethical mentoringand role modeling are consistent, frequent and visible. Having officers take an oath willreconfirm the significance of integrity within the agency, and help bring theentire profession together to show that the vast majority of law enforcement.Officers not only are good, decent individuals, but also will step forward tostop unethical acts by any members of our profession. Code of Conduct and EffectiveLeadershipA code of conduct refers to a set of defined principles of moralitythat guide a particular individual or organizations general behavior. Itreflects the manner in which individuals should conduct themselves and how theycan relate to the others. With regard to a police department, it can determinethe way the officers carry themselves along. Additionally, it could outline theoverall responsibility of the police department towards the general public.Code of conduct forms an important aspect within the police fraternity as itprovides a foundation through which the employees can relate with each other.The police officers have a moral responsibility to ensure that they abide bythe ethical standards outlined in the constitution. The goal of having policieswithin the police department that guide the behavior of the employees is toensure that they work within an environment that is accommodative and promotesgood relations (Singhapakdi et al., 1995). The paper would focus on theformulation of a code of conduct and how it can promote effective leadershipand integrity in law enforcement officers. The paper would focus on theimplementation of the code of conduct regarding professionalism at the workplace.Code of conduct regarding professional behavior requires that theemployees uphold the highest standards with regard to professional behavior. Itcalls for the need of officers to maintain responsibility at the work place.Professional behavior is of significant importance when it comes to the policedepartment. It is a reflection of the need to uphold the constitution and allthe laws stipulated in it. It is imperative that the officers be aware of thecode to improve on the working relations of all the officers. Issues of failureto adhere to the work ethics have been violated that have impaired effectiveoperations within the work environment. Incidences that can be avoided in thepolice department when it comes to the adherence to work ethics are avoidanceof disrespect amongst the officers. Additionally, it is vital that the officersare well aware of the constitution so that there is no breach. Professionalismat the work place must be held with high regard. Officers who adhere to thesame have a potential of becoming leaders. It is because it would enhance integrityat the work place. It calls for the need to be aware of the ethical issuesconcerning professionalism. Police officers would be well equipped whenexecuting their duties thereby protecting the citizens.Community Development PlanA Community Development Plan is an effective way that prepares policeofficers for the challenges that are faced as a result of criminal activities.It is vital that the police fraternity invoke the help of the communitymembers. It would be a good way of responding to the ill vices resulting fromthe criminal activities. There is much evidence relating the involvement of thecommunity in tackling crimes through the help of the community members. Aneffective community development plan with regard to policing prepares the lawenforcement agencies in enhancing the safety of innocent people. Officers canengage in different activities in the community as a way of promoting cohesionbetween the police officers and the general public. Through differentinteraction programs, the police would be able to engage the society and inreturn be able to work in close relation with them. Community policing is a measure that would help in building good tieswith the members in the society. Necessary measures must be put in place touphold good relations with the community. It would promote openness where themembers of a community can communicate issues to the police regarding anyfactor of crime. Additionally, the law enforcement agencies would be able toget any information as pertaining to potential criminal attack in a givencommunity. At the end, appropriate measures can be initiated to stop theoccurrence of the attack before it is executed. Additionally, communitydevelopment plan with regard to policing can come in handy when building a goodpartnership with the overall community. This would be an effective way ofenhancing the safety of the public in accordance with crime.The future of effective community policing relies on a good strategicplan that is in alignment with the dynamic changes of crime. A CommunityDevelopment Plan revolves around involving citizens in coming up with astrategy that would ensure that the law enforcement programs work out. The planshould entail such strategies as formation of community partnerships, solving-problemsconcerning crime, and the organizational transformation. Future policingmethods that are introduced must be those that are well adapted to adjust tochanges in crime. Criminals have been trickier in the manner in which theyexecute their activities. There are multiple measures that can be introduced incommunity policing to improve on security. Future strategies that can be usedinclude the use of educational programs in schools, surveys at peoples housesfrom door-to door, and awareness through social functions.Educating the members of the public in community policing is animportant way of ensuring security. Children need to be taught on the probableways of identifying potential threat to security. The education should be froma junior level all through senior level. Through the education, knowledge wouldhave been passed to the children and help them cope or how to know how to dealwith security issues. The training could involve officers who are trained onhow to teach in order to ensure that the knowledge on security issues is passedon effectively. It should be part of the educational curriculum so thatchildren grow up knowing how to respond to any issue. Through the means, thewhole approach of dealing with crime would entail not only the law enforcementagencies but also the people in society.Additionally, community policing should entail informing the publicover the importance of engaging each other. There are many benefits when itcomes to working with the community for effective policing. It is important inbuilding up the trust of the public in the law enforcement agencies. Trust isan important way of building a good rapport between the police departments andthe citizens. It could be reflected through ease of reporting cases of crime inthe event that they occur. Additionally, the members would be able to give outinformation to the public on potential threats to insecurity in a given area.Preventing a crime would be much easier than solving the incident after it hastaken place. Future community policing methods should incorporate all of themeasures that enhance good relations with the members. Such can be achieved byengaging in different community activities such as cleaning in a given area. Itcan involve taking part in areas such as sporting activities. Additionally, thepolice department can build trust with the community by holding open dayactivities.Plans to improve on community development concerning policing shouldbe based on improving the perception of the public over the police. In mostinstances, there have been instances where the police have been portrayed inbad light. They have been associated with brutal activities in the event thatthey apprehend criminals. It is imperative that the plan that is initiated isone that aims at changing the existing perception of the public over thepolice. The police department should be seen as one that is improves the livesof the citizens by assuring them of their safety. The sight of police officersshould not be accompanied by fright, as it would prevent any measures aimed atproviding security to the public.To achieve effectiveness in the community development plan, there arekey issues that need to be addressed. Officers who are recruited into servingin the police department must be up to the task in doing so. It is important torecruit the most qualified personnel who are in a better position to work inalignment to achieve the future aspirations of the police ten years from today.The individuals recruited into the police department should be endowed with thenecessary knowledge and technical know-how on dealing with the police officers.Selection into the police service training should have a minimum qualificationof college education. Previously, it has been a required that people who ispicked for training at the level of high school. It is not effective enoughconsidering that high school education is not sufficient to provide theofficers with the knowledge and skills to perform the duties. The type ofofficers picked for the job need to be the right ones to fill in the positionsleft by retired or deceased officers. Concerning the challenges faced by thelaw enforcement agencies when it comes to fighting crime, it calls for the needto have police officers well braced to tackle the issues.The community involvement intackling of community affairs is important in ensuring that law and order issustained. Police officers need to find a way of working in close relation withthe community to ensure sustainability in the provision of policing services.Working with the community members would make it easier to deal with crimebefore it takes place. Additionally, it is important that the police involvethe community as a measure of creating a good rapport between the lawenforcement agencies. It is important that the officers take the initiative ofengaging the community through different means so that they can work togetherto achieve the required results which is prevention of the occurrence of crime.In order to promote community involvement in the provision of police services,there are certain activities that both the police and the community members cantake part to build a good relationship between them. Some of them includeactivities such as voluntary services at the community level. Both the policedepartment and the community members can take part in an activity that is aimedat building cohesion between the two. The goal is to ensure that the communitymembers are comfortable enough to work with the officers. Community developmentplan can be effective to since it allows the officers to acquire informationabout a particular issue before it takes place.Also, community policing is vitalsince it would ensure that the members are able to provide credible informationthat would be used in preventing the occurrence of a particular crime. Studieshave indicated that in cases where information is communicated to the policeofficers in good time, it makes it easier for the police department to mountappropriate measures to prevent the occurrence of the crime. Sometimes policeofficers may not be in a position to gather all the information they may needto stop a particular crime from taking place. Further, some of the people whoexecute certain crimes are those who live amongst the community members. Byworking closely with the community, it would be easier to access theinformation about the potential criminals and help in preventing the possibleoccurrence of a crime. It is vital that a public relations department is createdwithin the police department to help in dealing with how the police wouldrelate to the community with the aim of ensuring law and order is enhanced.Educational qualification for individuals joining the police servicewould be based on minimum achievement at college level. College educationprepares individuals to understand the changes that do take place in a givensociety (Armstrong, 2008). Additionally, it is important that the individualsbe trained at college level for psychological preparedness. Contrary to minimumselection of officers that was based on selection on grounds of havinggraduated for high school, it is important to raise the qualifications.Individuals who graduate from college tend to be more mature and understand thechanges that take place at a community level. After graduation from college, itwould be expected that those who opt to join the police service are trainedfurther. Training should be holistic to cover all the aspects of crime andrelated activities. Emphasis would be on ensuring that the recruits understandthe constitution effectively. Incidences related to breach of constitutionallaws have been reported among police officers. Future policing should be basedon intensive training that places the officers at a better place to dealeffectively with any form of criminal activity. The recruits would be trained on both field activities and theoreticalknowledge. Law enforcement agencies need to hire many police officers to bridgein the gap left by those who have retired, resigned or passed on to ensurecontinuity in service provision (Barr, 2002). The field training wouldcapitalize on how to counter the potential criminals and prevent them. Trainingin class would be based on imparting soft skills amongst the police officers.It includes such areas ethical issues and dealing with technicalities whileexecuting their duties. It is important that the officers train on the softskills to put them at a better place to respond white-collar crimes. With thetechnological changes, it is vital that the officers be trained in matters thatmake them effectively responsive to any form of threat. Criminals are changingtheir ways, warranting the need by officers to do the same. It can only beachieved in when dealing with individuals who may have graduated from collegeeducation. The curriculum in college prepares them for soft skills.Ethical training for the law enforcement agencies that would be mostappropriate is on professionalism. Officers need to learn how to conductthemselves at the workplace. Additionally, it is important that they carrythemselves in high regard when it comes to the manner in which they conducttheir activities. Professional conduct entails such activities as adhering tothe rules and regulation relating to their job specifications (Grant, 2002).Considering that they are dealing with fellow human beings, it is importantthat they are trained on how to respect them as they execute their duties.Training based on ethics should be implemented for the benefits that come withthem. Ethics enables the officers to behave in a morally acceptable manner, andenables them distinguish between what is right and wrong. Also, training onethics would put the officers in a better place when it comes to understandinghow to make critical decisions related to the duties assigned them. There areinstances when the officers need to decide whether they should apprehend thecriminal or shoot them. In such a case, it is vital that the officers are welltrained to know how to respond to the issue. Additionally, training on ethics should be based on integrity.Officers need to understand how to carry themselves along while dischargingtheir dutiess
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