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Introduction to this AssignmentFor the purpose of this course, we will use the outline below toshape our Case Study. A brief description is provided for each elementto help guide youre planning.Introduction(Observation): A brief introduction/summary of the case, including somebasic background of the client and the issues presented.Etiology &Diagnosis (Interpretation): Discuss the presenting issues, botharticulated and perceived. Organize the description around sets ofsymptoms that lead to a diagnosis or opinion.Treatment Planand Prognosis (Application): Provide action steps and recommendationsto support the needs of the client. Plan should provide projectedprognosis. Perhaps it is the unique perspective of the College or simply just asmart way to do things, but our worldview and method of study relies onsomething called a hermeneutic (herma-new-tick). Now, you can spend tonsof time reading about different perspectives and methods ofhermeneutics and counseling sessions, but we have found the followingoutline the most helpful, especially when applied to cases like the onewe will be reviewing. The basic outline, called the Inductive Method,looks like:This week we will focus on observation. In observation you major taskis to well OBSERVE. Dont be fooled. While the process sounds easy(which it is), it is often overlooked. The tendency is to rush tointerpretation, but by doing so we may miss out on important aspectsthat can only be recognized through careful observation. That is onereason good counselors and life coaches take good notes.We will start the process by asking you to take some notes. You candecide how best to do this (i.e. paper, electronically, recording,etc.). It may help to review the Intake Formfirst. While these are only used during formal counseling sessions, wethought it would be beneficial to provide one for this case, since youhave no other background on the client. As you read through, take notesof things that stand out to you. Once you have reviewed the intake information, take some time to review the two sessions. Session 1Session 2-The counseling session continues on with the client moving into being avictim of sexual abuse and how that manifested in areas of trust anddistrust during his journey into adulthood. The therapist would explorethis with the client in subsequent counseling sessions. You will want to take notes as you do. We have provided a fewsuggestions of what to watch for below. After watching the sessions youmay want to review the intake form once again.Things to observe:1. Five Ws Who. What, When. Where, and Why2. What does the person look like physically (relaxed, tense, slumped, guarded, etc.)?a. Does this ever change?i. If so, when?3. Are there any physical behaviors, habits, demonstrations that are notable?4. Are there common themes, topics, subjects discussed by the client?5. Are there common or repeated words or phrases?6. How well does the client identify issues? Does he or she struggle with recollection or articulation?7. Does the client share information about support structures or ways in which he or she is addressing the issues?8. Does the client indicate certain individuals as positive or negative influences?9. Are there contradictions in what the client is saying?10. Are there inconsistencies between what the client is saying and their mood or non-verbal cues?These are just a few suggestions. Observation is largely determinedby your own perspective and style as a counselor. When you are done,please type up all of your notes. You will be submitting these alongwith your Introduction.Putting it TogetherHaving recorded your observations, it is now time to construct anintroduction. In this first section of your Case Study Analysis you fillprovide a summary of your observations and background to the case.There is no real right or wrong way to do this, as much of what you willwrite will be based on your observations. However, this summary shouldprovide the reader with a concise overview of the case, the client, andother influencing factors. You can review an example here: Example IntroductionYou will need to be careful not to jump to diagnosing the case. Thereis a difference between summarizing and diagnosing (which we will dolater in this class). To help illustrate the difference, review thefollowing:Mr. Cantou, a 40-year old male, is suffering from depression.Mr. Cantou, a40-year old male, describes feelings of isolation, helplessness, andirritability. Physically, the client has indicated inconsistent sleep,lack of energy, and significant increase in weight. You will see that the first statement jumps past description(observation) and moves directly to the diagnosis (interpretation).While the diagnosis of depression may be correct, it is not yet time todeclare that decision. In the next section, which we will address nextweek, we will work on diagnosing. For right now, your task is to providea description; a summary of the case. Using the sample provided above as a reference point, here are a few ideas to help guide your writing process:Describe the basic demographic information of the client. This will include information from the videos and the Intake Forms.Describethe emotional state of the client. Does his mood intensity, vocal tone,or physical posture change when discussing different topics?Describe the attitude of the client both in general and toward the situation.Describe the willingness and motivation of the client to make change.Summarize the main issue discussed by the client.Summarize other issues that the client articulates or alludes to.Provide some description of the resources and support structure that the client has access to.Your Introduction should be 1-2 pages. More than that; you are probably over describing. When done, upload two documents:1. Your observation notes2. Your introduction
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