public speaking, science assignment help
Introduction Criminalactivities in the US have been limiting the successful development withincommunities and businesses. This is because most offenses committed towardspeople are having a negative impact on the daily proceedings within thesecommunities. Drug abuse, for instance, is one of the major criminal activitiespracticed in the US known to limit the potential of most individuals. Thereforeit is important to educate communities on criminal justice policies to ensurethat criminal activities do not limit the growth and development within thecommunities. This paper reviews the drug policy and how it benefitscommunities.Drug Policy Tocurb drug-related activities, the US justice system has designed a drug policythat covers all issues related to drugs. There has been an increase in boardersecurity to discourage drug trade so as to limit drugs within the state.Secondly, test measures have been established to be employed in schools andwork organization to test drug traces among members in these institutions(Babor, 2010). This is essential in discouraging the extensive use and substanceabuse across the nation. However, even with the available drug policy, thereare still some deviant individuals that continue to practice substance abuse.Therefore educating communities is an effective approach to reducing thedrug-related offenses. In addition, some of the privileges given todrug offenders have been limited by the justice system. Drug rights given tothe criminals have been stripped per the drug policy in the US. The main aim ofthe policy was to reduce problems resulting from violence, poverty and otheroffenses that were influenced by illegal drugs in the markets (Kleiman,Caulkins, and Hawken, 2011). Moreover, the drug policy communities can be ableto develop to greater levels and students in schools can be able to attain theireducational goals and lastly more opportunities in the business environment canbe increased.Education onDrug Policy Themain aim of this paper is to educate people on the drug policy and its benefitto society. Therefore what one hopes to achieve by sharing an insight to thedrug policy is educating society. Enlightening the community is also anotherobjective that is attainable by educating them on drug policy. In the end,those with a little knowledge of the existence of drug policy will be able toshare with others. As a result, a significant portion of the population willhave a knowledge of the drug policy in the justice system as well as understandhow it operates and what it seeks to accomplish within ones society.Benefits of DrugPolicy Thepresence of drugs in the markets increases the number of addicts withinsocieties and thus reducing the numbers of skilled individuals who cancontribute to developments in the community (Mears, 2010). In the event thatthe drugs are limited, and many addicts are also limited means that thecommunities will have a significant number of willing people to work towardsdevelopment. Therefore the drug policy which seeks to create more opportunitiesfor development in communities, increase education opportunities as well aseliminate criminal activities in society can be beneficial within the community(Great Britain and Great Britain, 2012). This is because the policy will ensurethat people are aware of its existence, they will be educated, and lastly it willmake sure that securities on related offenses are increased. Communities willthus be able to say that they are safe from criminal offenses that areinfluenced by drug abuse.References:Babor,T. (2010). Drug Policy and The PublicGood. Oxford: Oxford University Press.GreatBritain., and Great Britain. (2012). Drugs:Breaking The Cycle: Ninth Report of Session 2012-13. London: StationeryOffice.Kleiman, M., Caulkins, J. P., and Hawken, A. (2011).Drugs and Drug Policy: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York: OxfordUniversity Press.Mears, D. P. (2010). American Criminal Justice Policy: An Evaluation Approach to IncreasingAccountability and Effectiveness. New York: Cambridge University Press.Application: The Fear of Public Speaking“According to most studies, people’s number one fear is public speaking.Number two is death. Death is number two? Does that seem right? To the averageperson that means that if they have to go to a funeral, they’d be better off inthe casket than giving the eulogy.” Jerry SeinfeldAcross age groups and different types of speaking arenas, many people fearbeing in front of an audience and trying to communicate effectively. Yetemployment eligibility and upward mobility for many criminal justice rolesoften require competent public speaking skills. As a speaker, you do not wantyour credibility and potential impact to suffer because of any nervous traitsyou might exhibit. Neither do you want to accidentally stumble over your wordsand inadvertently deliver inaccurate information. Working to overcome the fearof public speaking is therefore essential.For this assignment, review your video submission from Week 2. You considerstrategies for effective speaking. Next, examine fears or anxieties related topublic speaking. In addition, consider how fear or anxiety related to publicspeaking may influence a potential speaker and alter the intent of the message.The Assignment (2–3 pages) Review your BOLD POST ABOVE theassignmentDescribe two ways in whichyour message submission in BOLDABOVE might be revised based on the strategies for effective speakingprovided in the learning resourcesExplain any fears or anxietyyou may have, if any, related to public speakingExplain how fear or anxietyrelated to public speaking may influence a potential speaker and alter theintent of the messageOne and a half page with at least two reference....It is important that you cover all the topics identified in theassignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUTpresenting an explanation from the context of ethics and the readings for thisclassTo get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed forthis assignments 1) look at the page limits 2) review and follow APA rules3) create subheadings to identify the key sections you are presenting and4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.REMEMBER IN APA FORMAT JOURNAL TITLESAND VOLUME NUMBERS ARE ITALICIZED.ReadingsBodie, G. D. (2010). A racingheart, rattling knees, and ruminative thoughts: Defining, explaining, andtreating public speaking anxiety. Communication Education, 59(1),70–105.
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