Group Session for Older Male Adults with Depression (12-15 pages), psychology homework help
Inthis assignment, you will build on the research conducted for the groupcounseling special topic paper. The purpose of this assignment is to design adevelopmentally appropriate and culturally sensitive group for older adult males with depression.Group counseling theories and techniques will provide the framework for theactivities outlined in the group counseling proposal. In addition, ethical andlegal considerations, including crisis management or suicidal or homicidalideation, will be addressed in the proposal to promote a successfulimplementation of the group.Scenario:Youragency administrator has given you the green light to develop a new counselinggroup for older adult males withdepression. You have been asked to create a six-session groupcounseling proposal to work with the identified population to providecounseling or psychoeducation for olderadult males with depression. You may or may not be leading this groupyourself. Thus, the group proposal needs to be detailed enough for a coworkerto run the group without you.Instructions:Developa proposal for a psychoeducation or counseling group that will run for sixsessions (90 minutes per session with adults or 3045 minutes with children).The proposal should include the following:Describe the overall structureof the group.The purpose and goals of thegroup (e.g., treatment issue, rationale for group).The length, frequency, andduration of the group.The cultural and developmentalconsiderations in the rationale for the group.Define eligibility criteria,recruitment strategies, and screening techniques. Include cultural anddevelopmental considerations as related to participant recruitment.Analyze and recommend groupleadership appropriate for this proposed group.Describe a leadership style androles for the leader of group.Give concrete examples ofappropriate group intervention strategies, such as process comments,empathic responses, self-disclosure, feedback, confrontation, and pacingskills across the various stages of a group's development.Generate proposed group norms,process, and procedures. Be specific.Structure of the group (e.g.,open or closed groups).Group rules.Describe how to build groupconsensus around the group structure and rules.Propose activities andinterventions for each session, giving details, and describe how these fitthe anticipated stage of the group process. (Include group handouts in anappendix as needed).Include cultural anddevelopmental considerations while describing activities.Explain ethical and legalconsiderations.Describe how crisis in thegroup will be handled (e.g., psychological first aid strategies for suicidalor homicidal ideation).Briefly mention any additionalethical or legal considerations as noted in the special topic paper oradditional considerations that are relevant to this specific group.Explain the group's evaluationcriteria. What will determine whether group goals have been met?Summarize your proposal andrationale in a paragraph.Yourfinal product should be a 12- to15-page Microsoft Word document (including the cover page, references, andappendix), using a minimum of 5 scholarly sources. At least one of your references should be from theJournal for Specialists in Group Work. Be sure you write in aclear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship inaccurate representation and attribution of sources; display accurate spelling,grammar, and punctuation. Use the most current APA format.Submission Details:This is the grading rubric it is very important that the paperis done in this manner:Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsGroup Description: Describe the group.40Group Establishment: Define eligibility criteria, recruitment strategies, andscreening techniques.40Leadership Analysis: Analyze and recommend group leadership appropriate for thisproposed group.44Group Process Creation: Create group norms, process, and procedures.44Intervention Identification: Propose activities/interventions for each session (detailed),and describe how it fits with anticipated stage of group process (includegroup handouts in appendix as needed).44Ethical/Legal Considerations: Provide ethical/legal considerations.20Group Evaluation: Explain the group's evaluation criteria: What will determinewhether group goals have been met?28Proposal Summary: Summarize your proposal and rationale.12Write in a clear,concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accuraterepresentation and attribution of sources (i.e. APA); and display accuratespelling, grammar, and punctuation.28Total:300Tutor must have experience in psychology specifically group counselling. Because of grammaricall issues english must be tutor's first language.
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