Insanity defense, science homework help
Insanity DefenseHuman psychologyinvolves complex analyses and dynamic theories of cognition, personality, anddisorders. There is often a level of interpretation in psychological pursuitsand inquiries. This complexity can make it difficult to definitively,objectively assess mental illness and insanity. This complicates the criminaljustice system, which relies on objective testimony and concrete evidence todeliver fair convictions and sentencing. Questions about what constitutes afair conviction and sentence may arise when an offender has questionablesanity, criminal responsibility, volition, or cognition. For thisDiscussion, consider whether or not the insanity defense should be a legitimateplea in the criminal justice system. Post by Day 4 your position onwhether or not the insanity defense should be a legitimate plea in the criminaljustice system. Provide specific examples to illustrate your points. Justifyyour response with references to the Jeffrey Dahmer case, current literature,and Learning Resources.One and a half page withat least two reference....It is important that you cover all the topics identified in theassignment. Covering the topic does not mean mentioning the topic BUTpresenting an explanation from the readings.To get maximum points you need to follow the requirements listed forthisassignments 1) look at the page limits 2) review and follow APA rules3) createSUBHEADINGS to identify the key sections you are presenting and4) Free from typographical and sentence construction errors.ReadingsArticle: Chappell,D. (2010). Victimisation and the insanity defence: Coping with confusion,conflict and conciliation. Psychiatry, Psychology & Law, 17(1),3951. Article: Felthous,A. R. (2010). Psychopathic disorders and criminal responsibility in theUSA. European Archives of Psychiatry & Clinical Neuroscience,260, 137141. Article:Gostin, L. O. (2007). Old and new institutions for persons with mentalillness: Treatment, punishment or preventative confinement? PublicHealth, 122, 906913. Article:Kinscherff, R. (2010). Proposition: A personality disorder may nullifyresponsibility for a criminal act. The Journal of Law, Medicine &Ethics, 38, 745759. Article:OMeara, G. J. (2009). He speaks not, yet he says everything: What ofthat? Text, context, and pretext in state v. Jeffrey Dahmer. DenverUniversity Law Review, 87(1), 97137. Article:Opgloff, J. R. P., Davis, M. R., Rivers, G., & Ross, S. (2007). Theidentification of mental disorders in the criminal justice system. Trends& Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, (334), 16. Article:Samuels, A., O'Driscoll, C., & Allnutt, S. (2007). When killing isn'tmurder: Psychiatric and psychological defences to murder when the insanitydefence is not applicable. Australasian Psychiatry, 15,474479. Article:Slobogin, C. (2009). What purposes does the insanity defense serve, andare those purposes commensurate with current scientific knowledgeregarding insanity?: A defense of the integrationist test as a replacementfor the special defense of insanity. Texas Tech Law Review,42. Article:Wolfson, J. K. (2009). A psychiatrists commentary on Sell v. U.S., etal.: How did we get here, and where are we going? Journal ofPsychiatry & Law, 37, 431449.
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