Computer Programming
InformationSecurity White PaperWatch theInformation Technology Security forSmall Businessesvideo from the National Institutes of Standards andTechnology (NIST):Information Technology Security for Small BusinessThen write an information security white paper that canbe used to market your firms security consulting services to small businessesin the Washington, DC, area. Your white paper must:Be conciseno more than three pages long.Provide a general explanation of the businessneed for information security (protection measures) even in the smallest ofbusinesses (e.g., protect against loss of profit, damage to companys reputation,costs of litigation, etc.).Explain information security threats andvulnerabilities in plain English to small business owners who, while experts intheir own business areas, have limited knowledge of computers, networks, andsoftware.Explain the following key concepts as part ofthe threats and vulnerabilities discussion:o confidentialityo integrityo availabilityo non-repudiationo authenticationo authorizationo riskRecommend technologies, processes, and policiesthat can be used to solve or mitigate one of the following common informationsecurity threats:o databreach and/or data theft (confidential client information)o denial-of-service(DOS) attackso insidertheft of intellectual propertyo deliberatecorruption of electronic files (hacker attack or malicious insider) includingvirus/worm infectionsDiscuss the impact or results that can beexpected:o costsand benefits of effective protection measureso costsand penalties of ineffective or nonexistent protection measuresRemember to present your white paper and cite yoursources in APA format and use only authoritative/scholarly sources such asjournal articles, books, government documents, and other industry publications(e.g., trade journals or magazines for health care or security professionals).The title page and list of references are not included in the required pagecount.
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