The boy being harassed by a fellow boy on the street is taken on video and posted online is a violation of privacy, discussion help
In the first scenario, the boy being harassed by a fellowboy on the street is taken on video and posted online is a violation ofprivacy. This is because for one the boy is being harassed by a fellow boy whois an embarrassing act that no one would want to witness. Secondly, the boy hasno clue of the video recording and the fact that he has not given any consentto posting the video online his rights to privacy are being violated.The second scenario is a lady on the beach wearing a bikinias the only as the only piece of clothing. While she is on vacation, anotherman on vacation on the same beach takes her photos of her and posts it onsocial networks. This is an act that is against the rights to privacy for thislady. The fact that her body is being exposed to a lot of people on socialnetworks without her knowledge is reason enough to prove that this is an act ofviolation of one’s private life.Lastly, in the third scenario, a passenger witnessed awoman slapped a bus driver whom she happens to have been arguing with. A fellowpassenger happened to have recorded the incidence of reporting to a policeofficer but ended up posting it on social networks since the police officerfailed to recognize the face of the woman. In this case, the fellow passenger isnot violating anyone privacy at all but rather trying to act in a just manner.The passenger primary motive is not to expose the women but to seek justice forthe fellow driver. Therefore posting the video online is likely a way ofprotesting against acts of injustice."While I agree these scenarios mayviolate a person's privacy, it is not against any law to post a picture ofsomeone. There is also the factor that each of these places were public areas.Does a person have a right to privacy in a public area?"Respond to the bold area ABOVE by using one of the option below... in APA format with At least one reference.....
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