Performance Measurement, health and medicine homework help
In healthcare, the terms"balanced scorecard" and a "dashboard" are used to describeperformance measurement tools that are broad in scope but summarized in a fewkey indicators. In this assignment, you will create a specific dashboard for anoperating unit of a healthcare organization.Tasks:Select and describe a specific healthcare operatingunit. Examples are an emergency department, a surgical service, a specificnursing unit, and a physician's office practice. Select a type ofhealthcare service you are familiar with.Locate at least three recent (within the past fouryears) journal articles from professional and peer-reviewed journals thatdiscuss dashboard, balanced scorecard, or performance measurement. Write abrief review of the articles, giving complete citations.On the basis of the literature review and yourknowledge of the unit, create four categories of measurement. They mustinclude both clinical and financial categories. Describe the categoriesand write a justification for each.For each category, create at least three specificperformance measures. For each measure, describe how it is calculated andwhere the data can be found.Explain how the performance measures may change if theunit of analysis is the organization as a whole and not the specificoperating unit.Submission Details:Present your analysis as a 5-page report in a MicrosoftWord document formatted in APA style.On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximumPointsReviewed three journal articlesfor specified topics.5Designed, described, and justifiedfour categories of measurements for a selected healthcare operating unit.10Designed three performancemeasurements for each category, described the calculation, and identifiedsources of data for each.20Estimated the change inperformance measurement for the organization as the unit of analysis.10Wrote in a clear, concise, andorganized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representationand APA style attribution of sources; and applied APA standards for writingstyle, spelling, grammar, and citation of sources.5Total:50
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