Predecessors Duration Activity Cost, accounting homework help
In a 1-page Word document, consider the following activities and theirdurations. The original project schedule, using early activity starts, isshown below.ActivityTaskPredecessorsDurationActivity CostASign ContractNone5 days$5,000BDesign SurveyA3 days$1,500CIdentify AudienceA7 days$1,000DRun SurveyB, C30 days$6,000EAnalyze ResultsD5 days$3,000FCreate PresentationE5 days$1,000GPresent to ClientE, F2 days$3,000Reconfigure the chart above into a critical path diagram forproject scheduling similar to the diagram shown in this module'slecture.What is the duration of the project?How much slack is currently available in the non-criticalpath?How long are the project and feeder buffers?
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