cognitive biases which maintain prejudice, discussion help
In 200 words each, read and answer question 1 and question 2Question 1During this class you will read about several cognitivebiases which maintain prejudice: negative interpretations, discounting,attribution errors, exaggerations, and polarization. By negativeinterpretations we mean interpreting everything that minority members do asnegative (Baron & Branscombe, 2012). Since we know that this happens,should the legal system treat jurors differently? Is there any way to protectpossibility innocent people from these biases?Question 2As you stated, a person's mental state of mind should be aconsideration when it comes to assessing guilt and punishment. However,there may be cases where this may not apply. For example, people who havecommitted brutal crimes while under the influence of a cult leader. In myopinion, while it can be argued that people, such as these, were not in theright state of mind at the time of the crime, the brutal acts they committedstill took place and they were responsible for it and therefore should bepunished accordingly. What are your thoughts on cases like this?What would be the best way to fairly differentiate one form of mentalimpairment from another as it relates to justice being served?
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