This week, revise the Persuasive Essay Draft you completed earlier
In 1-2 pages, revise your essay that challenges the following claim: "Freedom of speech is one thing, but when it is damaging to society something can and should be done." Persuasive Essay- First Draft This paper is a persuasiveessay. In this paper, I will create an essay that challenges the followingclaim: "Freedom of speech is one thing, but when it is damaging to societysomething can and should be done." The First Amendment of the U.S.Constitution gives all American’s the right to freedom of speech. This is oneconstitutional right that the majority of individuals know and can quote toyou. Freedom of speech is imperative to everybody withinthe society. It's because it offers everybody an opportunity to express whatthey feel and believe is right. Therefore, I tend to assume that there is notone time when the freedom of speech ought to be termed to be damaging to thesociety. For instance, everybody speaks consistent with what they believe andwhat they think was done wrong. As a result, freedom of speech isn't somethingthat may cause harm to the society since it's continually trying to make thingsbetter (Melkonian, 2012). If something needs to be done relating to the freedomof speech, then it means individuals will get deprived of the freedom that theyneed therefore making it inaccessible for them to express what they believe.Ithink that something should be done whenever freedom of speech is used for theincorrect reasons. As an example, when groups use freedom of speech to incitepeople to try and do things that are wrong or start riots in the street and usefreedom of speech (expression) to justify it. In such a situation, something ought to bedone to make sure that the person is stopped, and also, the individuals aremade to grasp that what they were being asked to try and do isn't right.However, everybody ought to be given the possibility to express themselvesusing their freedom of speech to grasp what people feel relating to certainthings. They also stand to be corrected in a situation wherever the freedom isnot utilized in the proper manner. Freedom of speech was given to us as aconstitutional right to protect the citizens from the government , not to useto your personal gain.Reference:Melkonian, H. (2012). Freedomof speech and society: A social approach to freedom of expression. Amherst, NY: Cambria Press.
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