Breakfast Club Or Whale Rider, summarize help
II. Movie ReviewSelect one of them BreakfastClub Or Whale RiderIn a 5-page paper, briefly summarize the theme (one paragraph),and then analyze the dynamics of the group according to these criteria:What werethe goals of the group?What werethe norms of the group?Whowas/were leaders and what was each ones source of power and influence?What stagedid the group get to? How did you reach that conclusion?How weredecisions made?What didconflicts arise over? How were they handled?How werethe group members resources utilized?Analyzethese dynamics from the standpoint of the group as a whole, not the variousstory lines.Also include what newthings this movie taught you about groups, and how you can incorporate theselearnings into your behavior in future groups.
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