Sentences and Punctuation, writing homework help
Identifya topic of your choice, andwritea paragraph on it by usingsimple,compound,complex, andcompound-complexsentences. Here are some suggestions for topics: your goals for college, your favorite meal, your ideal job, your favorite sport/hobby, or another topic of your choice.In the paragraph you wrote,identifyyour sentence types as follows:1.Underlinea simple sentence2.Identify a compound sentence by making itbold3.Identify a complex sentence byitalicizing it.4.Enclose a compound-complex sentence in brackets ( [ ] ).5.Properly incorporate at least one each of the following punctuation marks in your paragraph: comma, semicolon, colon, dash, apostrophe, period, question mark, exclamation mark, set of parentheses, and set of quotation marks.If you need help with any of the above concepts, review your lecture.Submission CriteriaWrite your initial response in a paragraph. Your posts should be substantive and free of spelling and grammatical errors.
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