Evaluating Sources, psychology homework help
I need help with my ANT101 Week 2 assignment 1. Evaluating SourcesThe intention of this assignment is to help you understandwhat sources are typically considered appropriate to use for academicresearch papers. This assignment will also help you develop the skillsneeded to evaluate sources for use in academic research. You will likelycome across many different types of sources during the course of yourresearch for your Final Research Paper, including various websites,e-books, scholarly articles, news stories, magazine articles, and soforth. Not all sources you come across are suitable to use incollege-level research papers. How do you know what sources areacceptable?First, watch the ANT101 Evaluating Sources tutorial. This tutorial covers concepts such asHow to evaluate sources to determine appropriatenessfor inclusion in an academic research paper using the CRAAP (currency,reliability, authority, accuracy, purpose) method.The different types of sources there are, the scope of information they usually cover, and their uses.Efficient ways to read scholarly sources.
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