Great Traditions in Ethics, 6 sentence response, philosophy homework help
I need at least a 6sentence response to the 2 discussion posts below. No need for references unlessyou are quoting something directly. Would prefer someone who has access to thetextbook "Great Traditions in Ethics" 12e, ISBN-13:97849509498-2since this posting is in response to On Hobbes, Chapter 8 of that book. What Ineed is a direct response to the post below. One for Jane and one for Joe. Forexample: Hi Jane, I also believe that Hobbes believesthat through his psychological theory Something along whose lines. Thank you!Remember, below are 2 separate discussion posts. I need 2 separate responses to both. So that is at least 6 sentances for each.Post from Jane- Hello Class, Hobbes promoted that anall-powerful sovereign as the best form of government and the only one that canguarantee peace. He believed the all individuals rights would be best servedthrough a social contract with this sovereign when he states I authorize, andgive up, my right of governing myself,to this man, or this assembly of man, on this condition, that thou give up thyright and authorize all his actions in a like manner. (p.90) Hobbes believesthat through his psychological theory that under natural law all people areselfish and out for themselves. He believed that good and evil were transientand relative to the individual. Hobbes believed that in mans natural state,moral ideas do not exist. A thing could be good, evil, or neutral all at the sametime depending on an individuals point of view. Hobbes believed that allphenomena in the universe can be explained in terms of the motions andinteractions of things that attract or appetites or aversions or things we wantto avoid, our interpretation of good and evil. Because of this he thoughtpeople cannot rule themselves because self-interest would get in the way. Idisagree with Hobbes, in that his theory is absolute, and that there is noselfless acts done by individuals, and that it goes against his state ofnature. Some people perform selfless acts all the time that shift lifesustaining resources from them to another with no reasonable expectation ofgain and possibly to their own detriment.Post from Joe- Hobbes argues that allhumans are selfish and out for themselves. He believed that society was a waycontrolling the people and giving them order. He argues that man in his naturalstate will only do what is good for himself, forsaking all others. He believeshis wants, desires, and his will is uncontrollable because he does not knowright from wrong. Man only knows what he desires and wants. He believes that manI'm his natural state is only governed by self preservation. Hobbes writes"To this war of every man, against every man, this is also consequent;that nothing can be unjust. The notions of right and wrong, justice andinjustice have there no place. Where there is no common power, there is no law:where no law, no injustice. Force, and fraud, are in war the two cardinalvirtues. Justice, and injustice are none of the faculties neither of the body,nor mind. If they were they might be in a man that were alone in the world, aswell as his senses, and passions. They are qualities, that relate to mensociety, not solitude." (P 96) Hobbes is saying that man knows no laws, norights, no wrongs until society places those ideals in a mans mind. I woulddisagree that a man is selfish and if left to his own devices he would bedestructive to others. I believe that this is actually a trait of civilizedsociety. History is littered with examples of civilized societies expanding andforcing their will, thoughts, and desires on peaceful communities. These socalled civiliized societies with men and women of reason and high moralspillaged many a harmonious people. You would think that these societies withreasonable men and women would no justice and injustice. Instead they hidbehind reason and morality to justify heinous acts against fellow humans.
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