The End of Corporate Imperialism, business and finance homework help
I need a complete answer not just I paragraph please be through at least a page each. This is a masters program. Please be original and plagiarism free. Readings:Friedman, Chapter 11, 12 & 13 Thomas & Inkson, Chapter 7 “The End of Corporate Imperialism” by CK Prahalad andKenneth Lieberthal “A Team Effort: Real World Strategies for JustifyingVertical Integration, Considering Joint Ventures, and UnderstandingOrganizational Dynamics” by Jay Barney and Patricia Gorman Clifford1-Students are to post a recent news article/video from areputable news source related to the topic of international business focused onthe region of the MIDDLE EAST along with the relevancy to the course and keylearning points from the article. Scholarly references only. 2-As a global business,discuss your views on the role of multi-national companies in serving theunderdeveloped in countries in which they may operate or do business with? Howdo businesses maintain their effort to service the communities on a globalscale and what examples do you see in today’s international business world thatdemonstrate this?
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