Elements of Interpersonal Communication, assignment help
I have to pick my favorite movie and watch it, which is "Pretty Woman" :-) then using PowerPoint create a short presentation describing elements:Elements of Interpersonal CommunicationIt has been explained that communication is a process. The participants and elements of that process include the following: sender, receiver, message, channel, feedback, environment and noise.SenderThe sender is the source, or originator, of the interpersonal communication.ReceiverThe receiver is the recipient of the communication. In a conversation, two people exchange the role of the sender and the receiver very rapidly.MessageThe message is the actual content of the communication itself. It's the idea the sender wants to communicate to the receiver.ChannelThe channel refers to the medium in which the message is sent from the sender to the receiver. If the communication is via email, the Internet is the channel; if it is via telephone, the phone lines are the channel. In person, the air is the medium or channel.FeedbackFeedback is defined as the information the sender gets from the receiver in response to the message. It can be non-verbal, such as a head nod indicating understanding or it can be verbal when the receiver says, "I don't understand what you mean." Feedback is very important in determining if the communication was effective or if we need to repeat or change the message to be sure it is correctly understood.EnvironmentEnvironment refers to the external environment where the communication takes place.NoiseNoise refers to anything that interferes or disrupts the communication process.Communication ContinuumInterpersonal communication exists on a continuum that ranges from impersonal to highly personal.A conversation between a waiter and a customer would typically fall at the impersonal end of the spectrum. A conversation between two longtime friends would fall at the other end of the spectrum.Introduce the setting, plot, and the main characters of the movie. (PLEASE MAKE SURE TO DO A SLIDE FOR EACH!)Find three elements concerning the characteristics of communication and apply them to the movie, make sure you cite your source(s) using APA.
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