identify the points of view of experts familiar with your topic, writing homework help
*****I am going through a financial issue until my paycheck comes and really need help from a great tutor. I AM LIMITED ON FUNDS BECAUSE I USED MY LAST TO CARE FOR MY CHILDRENS NEEDS. WHOEVER CAN DO THIS ASSIGNMENT FOR ME, I WILL PAY $150 TO ON MY FINAL PAPER FOR ANOTHER CLASS WHICH HAS TO BE 15-20 PAGES.ASSIGNMENT- RESEARCH PAPER is to be 8-10 pages (including title page, abstract and bibliography. You will cover a summary of what impact three academic disciplines have on the topic, using APA research format identify the points of view of experts familiar with your topic, and your own thoughts about what you learned from this experience. A tip: Make sure the disciplines are crystal clear and identified in the beginning of your work. No time for an instructor scavenger hunt !Remember this must be an original work!!TOPIC OF PAPER and SOURCES PROVIDEDRESEARCH PROPOSAL2Research ProposalAbstractThis research will look into non-randomized, multiple-site and naturalistic techniquesthat correspond with the use of psychotropic drugs and the effects they have on prolongedtherapies. Having approximated 100 patients as participants within six randomly selectedhospitals that have diagnosed and scheduled these patients for psychotropic therapy, the studywill then narrow down on patients diagnosed with schizoaffection, schizophreniform disorderand schizophrenia. All the patients must be above 18 years of age and be able to provideinformed consent. To ensure the results are not skewed, the research will only considerpatients who have been never been in a clinical drug trial or those who have at least 30 daysafter their last trial.Bibliographyi. Chen, H., Patel, A., Sherer, J., & Aparasu, R. (2011). The Definition and Prevalence ofPediatric Psychotropic Polypharmacy. PS, 62(12), 1450-1455.ii.Lngle, G., Steinert, T., Weiser, P., Schepp, W., Jaeger, S., & Pfiffner, C. et al. (2012). Effectsof polypharmacy on outcome in patients with schizophrenia in routine psychiatrictreatment. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 125(5), 372-381.iii. Tiihonen, J. (2012). Polypharmacy with Antipsychotics, Antidepressants, or Benzodiazepinesand Mortality in Schizophrenia. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 69(5), 476.iv. Zink, M. & Englisch, S. (2012). Treatment-resistant schizophrenia: Evidence-basedstrategies.Mens Sana Monogr, 10(1), 20.Academic DisciplinesBelow are the three academic disciplines as defined in relation to the researchproposal.RESEARCH PROPOSAL3i. Nursing This is a collaborative and autonomous care of persons in all settings, sick or well,in groups or communities, in families, and as individual entities.ii. Psychiatry A study on emotional and mental disorders.iii. Pharmacology The field is concerned with the modes, effects and use of drugs.
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