The Third Response to Crawford's The World Beyond Your Head, writing homework help
Hi, Thanks for helping me!Here are questions based on the Matthew B. Crawford's "The World Beyond Your Head."The attached file is parts of whole pages of this book, which you canreferto answer these questions.Thetotal wordsfor each questions is noted next to them.1. According to Crawford, skilled practices serve as an anchor to the world beyond our head (preface, p. x), and we informationally structure our [work or play] environment as we go along that is, jigging that environment (making jigs) to help us work more easily and efficiently. After reading pgs.31 35, discuss a way youve structured your work or play environment, past or present, which according to MC allows us to offload some of [your] thinking into your surroundings (33), preserving more energy or time for our powers of concentration and self-regulationthose higher-level executive functions that are easily exhausted (33).(At least 60 words)2. Related to using jigs, we also use tools or prosthetics as ways to not only do work but also to interpret our environment. Read the account of the hockey goalies relationship to his hockey stick (45 46) and comment on your or another persons use of and relationship with some favorite tool, sports or other equipment, or some other object you or they have incorporated to act as an extensive, probe or prosthetic-like device.(At least 60 words)3.Why have some traffic engineers (road-designers) begun making roads more hazardous (italics mine)? Your thoughts on this? (79-81)(At least 60 words)4. Whats the main change in the modern nature of Mickey Mouse Cartoons when compared to the past? Why do you think Crawford finds this telling (significant)? (69-73)(At least 60 words)5. Comment on the texting from the airport anecdote bottom of page 176 to top 177.(At least 125 words)6. Crawford suggests that the new [mid-century, 1950s] statistical ways of defining ones self (p. 200) might be just as confining as the older cultural or religious guidelineshow or why might this be so?(At least 125 words)7. The paradoxical cultural logic whereby the [American] ideal of autonomy prepares the way for massification (196) that is, an independence that sets us up to be cowed by the crowd, to seek reassurance in numbers. Comment.(At least 125 words)
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