Cognitive Therapy, psychology homework help
Here is what I have from the first part of the assignment.Many people today have issues when talking about the good that happens to them. Perhaps they don't want to come off as bragging. Or maybe it's because they just want to have a reason to complain, so they focus on only the bad news they hear. It can also keep from setting them up for disappointment. So naturally, reporting good news can seem to be an incredibly difficult task. Good news, though, doesn't have to be worthy of fanfare. The news recorded could be something as small as, "I tripped and almost spilled my coffee while rushing to class, but it didn't spill. And I was on time." And after a while, it turns into a habit and a good way for someone to train themselves to be a more positive person. Over time, recording good news became easier because it was more noticeableNow to keep going with it here are the directions for the next two paragraphsEach day, continue to record at least one piece of "good news" in your life (again, you do not need to share your personal thoughts, addressing the questions regarding the process is the key to this particular learning activity). If you are experiencing difficulty remembering to write down good news, find a trigger to remind you. If you are having difficulties thinking about positive things because your mind wanders to the problems in your life, discipline yourself to think now about the positive. You will have plenty of time later to think about the other things that are on your mind. Remember, there is always your favorite music, time at the beach, great films, or being with somebody special; these, too, are good news. So, no matter what your concerns or fears are, there is always some good news, also.For part two of this assignment, write at least two full paragraphs about the process of recording good news and how that process may bring about cognitive change. Is it hard or easy? Does it get easier or harder over time? Do you find that engaging in this practice has effects on other aspects of your habits of thought? What effect does this practice have on your mood and your life?
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