A team of Epidemic Intelligence Service officers from the CDC arrives in Rhode Island, homework help
Hello! I have the follow questions that need answered. Do you think you can help? A team of EpidemicIntelligence Service officers from the CDC arrives in Rhode Island to assistthe state health department with investigation and control of an outbreak ofmeasles. The team is asked to includethe entire state in the investigation; thus, the case definition for measles inthis outbreak is any resident of Rhode Island meeting the clinical casedefinition (you can find it at the CDC web site if you want to see it) whoeither has a positive laboratory test for measles IgM antibody or is a contactof someone with a positive test.Individuals meeting the clinical case definition who did not havelaboratory confirmation and were not contacts were classified as possiblecases. The team membersarrive in Rhode Island on March 1st.They discover 13 individuals who met the clinical/laboratory casedefinition with dates of rash onset in February. Ten of these 13 are Rhode Island residents,the other three are residents of neighboring states who were seen and treatedat Brown University Medical Center in Providence, RI. Nine of these 10 were still ill as of March1. The tenth, the probable index casefor the outbreak, was a teenager who had traveled to Europe and returned threedays prior to her rash onset. She hadrecovered from her illness by the time the investigative team arrived.During March, 31additional Rhode Island residents were discovered who met the clinical casedefinition for measles, with rash onsets after March 1st. Twenty-three of these had laboratoryconfirmation and 6 others were contacts of those who had. An extensive statewide record-checking andvaccination program was undertaken throughout March, focusing on those schools,communities, and other settings where cases had occurred. Only two of the cases had rash onset in thelast week of March.Forthe purposes of this exercise, use one million for the Rhode Island stateresident population.Note: remember to express all rates (incidence is a rate) per unit of population and per unit oftime. Prevalence (a ratio) needs only tobe expressed per unit of population.1)Whatwas the prevalence of measles in Rhode Island as of March 1st?2)Whatwas the incidence of measles in Rhode Island for March? 3)Whatwould the incidence be if possible cases were included?4)If allbut two of the February cases, and seven of the March (confirmed) cases hadrecovered by March 24, what would the prevalence have been as of that date? 5)Fill in the blankson the following table using the formula for determining prevalence, incidenceand duration (1 point each). Completeall answers in blue.Prevalence and Incidence of Selected DiseasesDiseasePrevalence per 100,000Incidence per 100,000 per yearYears DurationEpilepsy30.812.2MultipleSclerosis 56 5.0ParkinsonsDisease1577.85Motor Neuron Disease 7 1.7Central NervousSystem17.33.99Neoplasms1026)Observing the data inthe table above, what interpretation can you give? What applications do you find there for the clinicalpractitioner? For theepidemiologist? (5 points)?In a city of100,000 people, there were last year 1000 deaths and 1500 live births (nonewere multiple births), of which 1200 infants survived to see their firstbirthday. Three mothers died inchildbirth.Calculate: 7)infant mortalityratio (you will often hear this called an infant mortality rate, but it isreally not) (2 points): 8)crude death rate (2points): 14) crudebirth rate (2 points): 15)What possibleconclusions could you draw from these rates, about the overall health status ofpeople in this city (5 points)?Thank you,Mindy
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