Managing Groups, writing homework help
Groups can play a key role in the firm achieving its vision andmission. However, without proper management a group can fail. The groupprocess, its advantages, disadvantages, stages of group development, functionalbehavior, dysfunctional behavior, and sources of power within the group are allimportant factors when analyzing groups. Everyone can contribute or hindergroup success. However, for this project we will limit the analysis to themanagement of agreement. When there are roadblocks to new or differing ideas,when agreement is reached because group members think that solution is whateveryone wants, or when group members have a righteous belief in what they aredoing, this can lead groups to wrong decisions.The task is to compare and contrast Groupthinkand the Abilene Paradox in the international decision making process. How arethey similar and how might they differ? Is it possible that they are everforces for the “positive”? Your discussion should include ways to mitigate thephenomena of both Groupthink and the Abilene Paradox inside organizations.Irving L. Janus wrote a book titled “Victims of Groupthink: A psychologicalStudy of Foreign Policy Decisions and Fiascos.” In this book Janus highlightedthe causes of Groupthink and also actions that can be taken to mitigategroupthink. Jerry B. Harvey wrote a book titled “The Abilene Paradox and otherMeditations on Management.” In the chapter on the Abilene Paradox, Harveydiscussed the causes and ways to mitigate the Abilene Paradox. Internet searcheswill also provide much information on these two topics.Managers in the international business environment need to beaware of the pitfalls with managing agreement. Failure to recognize and takecorrective action can and often does lead to incorrect decisions.
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