On-line research on UNESCO World Heritage Sites
Go to http://whc.unesco.org Choose two World Heritage sites from Western regions and periodswe are studying: Mediterranean, Europe, America. Sites are arrangedby modern country names. Be sure to find some point of comparisonthat you can talk about. Learn when and why the sites were designated by UNESCO. Thismeans studying the UNESCO website for details. Learn about the same or similar sites from our textbook. Again, besure there is a point of comparison. Additional on-line research is OK.. Explain in 3-5 pages why your sites are important in the larger story ofWestern art and architecture. Be sure compare to specific material inthe textbook.Be sure to show me that you can apply what we arelearning in class to what you find at the UNESCO sites. In an extra page, use photos from the website to explain.typed and double-spaced, with standard margins, in Times New Roman font (12 point)
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